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Federation and MeteorologyBureau of Meteorology
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History of Research in the Bureau of Meteorology




Chapter 1: Germination and Growth
The First Three Decades
A Time of Rapid Growth

Chapter 2: Struggle, Competition and Emergence

Appendix 1: Meteorology Act 1906

Appendix 2: Meteorology Act 1955

Appendix 3: Simpson Report

Appendix 4: Survey Questionnaire

Appendix 5: Bibliography



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Civilian Expansion (continued)

The newcomers began lectures the following September and sat their examinations in November. This was the first of many such courses which the Bureau has offered on a more or less yearly basis ever since, although they now extend for a period of nine months instead of the original three.

One of the lecturers for this and later courses was Dr Fritz Loewe, an experienced German meteorologist and researcher who had come to Melbourne early in 1937 on a Carnegie Scholarship, having earlier fled to Britain as a refugee from Nazi Germany.

Records of the University of Melbourne indicate that as there was little for Loewe to do before his department was established, his faculty asked the Bureau if it would like to make use of Dr Loewe's services in the interim. Watt readily accepted the offer and Loewe commenced lectures in early June.

The year 1937 also saw an Inquiry by H. E. Wimperis [89], ex-Director of Scientific Research at the British Air Ministry, into the state of aeronautical research in Australia. In his report, Wimperis (BOM [9]) referred to the need for:

  • accurate forecasting; and

  • increased knowledge of the structure of the atmosphere and its properties.

People in Bright Sparcs - Loewe, Fritz; Watt, William Shand; Wimperis, H. E.

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Gardner, J. 1997 'Stormy Weather: A History of Research in the Bureau of Meteorology', Metarch Papers, No. 11 December 1997, Bureau of Meteorology

© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001
Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher