Series 7 - F. M. Burnet Files

Date Range1922 - 1985
ProvenanceIan Jefferys Wood

Correspondence, draft manuscripts, lectures, publications, photographs, press cuttings

Inventory Listing

7-1 Correspondence with F. M. Burnet

Includes: Correspondence between Burnet and A. Havey and Deb Burnet. Chapter outline from Burnet's history of Hall Institute. Notes and medical record

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1922 - 1970    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-1 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-2 Letters by I. J. Wood

Written on behalf of F. M. Burnet

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 13 June 1957 - 18 July 1957    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-2 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-3 Typescript of Burnet's Nobel Lecture
Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 12 December 1960    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-3 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-4 Texts of Speeches - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 50th Anniversary

Partial typescript of Burnet's talk, address by Lord Casey (not given), address by G. V. Nossal and correspondence with Lord Casey

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 2 September 1954? - 30 August 1965    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-4 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-5 Burnet's Retirement

Typescript of Burnet's retirement speech, tearsheets, advertisement for position as Director, Hall Institute

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 10 November 1964 - 6 November 1965    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-5 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-6 Typescript and Correspondence - "An Appreciation of Frank Macfarlane Burnet" by I. J. Wood
Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 2 April 1965 - 15 February 1966    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-6 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-7 Typescript and Correspondence - "Burnet of Australia" by I. J. Wood

Also includes reprint, publishing correspondence and photographs for illustrations to text:
1. Members of Hall Institute collecting specimens, Murray River 1952
2. Mayor H. W. Hall, Sir Macfarlane Burnet and Mr. Walter Hall, 1956
3. Royal Melbourne Hospital and Hall Institute, 1969
Various photographic reproductions for "Burnet and Medicine" by I. J. Wood

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 29 May 1969 - 16 August 1971    Quantity 0.5 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-7 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-9 1969 Felton Bequest Symposium - in honour of Burnet's 70th Birthday

Reprints, reviews and correspondence. Manuscripts and typescripts of "Burnet and Medicine" by I. J. Wood (with photographic enlargements). Typescript "The Genetic Improvement of Man" by Sir Peter Medawar

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 22 October 1968 - 4 October 1969    Quantity 1.1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-9 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-10 Australasian Annals of Medicine Vol. 18 No. 4, November 1969

Burnet Symposium Issue, 'Man and his Science'

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range November 1969    Quantity 0.5 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-10 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-11 Encyclopaedia of World Biography - Entry on F. M. Burnet, by I. J. Wood

Typescript and publishing correspondence

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 18 December 1969 - 13 February 1970    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-11 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-12 Hall Institute Symposium - commemorating Burnet's 75th Birthday

Correspondence, notes and manuscripts of introductory and closing addresses by I. J. Wood

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 16 August 1974 - 11 September 1974    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-12 Box Number 18 Series 7
7-13 Burnet's latter days

Notes, correspondence, funeral arrangements and obituaries. Typescript of entry for Munk's Roll, by I. J. Wood, 1985

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1978 - 1985    Quantity 1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-13 Box Number 19 Series 7
7-14 Burnet Biographical Data

Notes, correspondence concerning Burnet's Honorary Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons, tearsheets, biographical notes on G. C. Mathison. Notes and photographs from Ian Burnet's wedding

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1960s - 1970s    Quantity 0.7 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-14 Box Number 19 Series 7
7-15 Burnet Biographical Data - Typescripts and Reprints

Various typescripts relating to Burnet: Speech by Mr. R. Hamer, Lincoln Institute, March 1979. Extracts from "Trends in Microbiological Research in Australia; Historical Perspective" by F. Fenner. "Cameron, Burnet and Willis - Three Australian Pathologists" by E.W. Gault, April 1971. Untitled paper on Burnet, by F. Fenner, 1963. "The Genetic Improvement of Man" by Sir Peter Medawar, 15 September 1969. Tyescript of citation on Burnet's admission to Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, 12 June 1969. Biographical Sketch by I. J. Wood, April 1962

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1962 - 1979    Quantity 0.5 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-15 Box Number 19 Series 7
7-16 Articles on F. M. Burnet by I. J. Wood - Reprint Set

Reprints and journals with Wood articles annotated and some signed by F. M. Burnet

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1953 - 1974    Quantity 2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-16 Box Number 19 Series 7
7-17 Papers and Publications by F. M. Burnet

Reprints and some publishing correspondence. Typescripts of papers and talks: "The Choroiallantoic Lesion in the Simonsen Phenomenon" by F. M. Burnet and G. S. Boyer 1960. "Assay of Corticosteroids in the Chick Embryo" by F. M. Burnet and N. L. Warner 1960. "Values in Science and Medicine" - Talk given by F. M. Burnet, Royal Perth Hospital, 12 October 1960

Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1954 - 1979    Quantity 2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-17 Box Number 19 Series 7
7-18 Press Cuttings on Burnet and others
Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1961 - 1976    Quantity 0.5 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-18 Box Number 19 Series 7
7-19 Press Cuttings on Burnet and others
Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1960 - 1961    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-19 Box Number 19 Series 7
7-20 Burnet Publications - list of books and scientific publications graph
Creator Ian Jefferys Wood
Date range 1964 - 1975    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 7-20 Box Number 19 Series 7

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, April 2004
With support from Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and Amalgamated Melbourne and Essendon Hospitals (The Royal Melbourne Hospital)
Listed by Gavan McCarthy and Oscar Manhal, Index by Miranda Hughes
HTML edition Ailie Smith
Updated 15 November 2007

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