Series 6 - Reprints

Date Range1930 - 1988
Quantity21 cm, 7 items
ProvenancePhyllis Margaret Rountree

Contains PMR's reprints, organised chronologically. Also includes a typed and handwritten list of PMR's publications

Inventory Listing

6-1 Reprints

Includes a handwritten and typed list of PMR's publications. 'Bacterial Examination of Soils from Macquarie Island', Vol.2, Part 7, Section 2 of Sir Douglas Mawson (ed.) B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition 1929-1931: Reports - Series A, B.A.N.Z.A.R. Expedition Committee, Adelaide, 1938; F.Penman & PMR, 'Influence of A Wheat Crop on Accumulation of Soil Nitrate', Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Victoria, vol. 30, pt. 10 ,1932, pp.496-503 (Complete issue included); 'The Bacteriological Oxidation of Sulphur in an Australian Soil', Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science, vol. 11, 1933, pp.209-218; F.M. Burnet & PMR, 'Psittacosis in the Developing Egg', Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. 40, 1935, pp. 471-481; Lucy M. Bryce & PMR, 'The Production of ß-toxin by Staphylococci', Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. 43, no. 1, 1936, pp. 173-189; 'Preliminary note on the Dissociation of Staphylococci into Alpha and Beta Toxigenic Variants', Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science, vol. 14, 1936, pp. 93-95; F.W. Connaughton & PMR, 'A Fatal Case of Infective Endocarditis due to Neisseria Flava', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 2, no. 4, 1939, pp. 138-139. (Complete issue included).

Creator Phyllis Margaret Rountree
Date range 1930 - 1939    Quantity 4 cm,
Formats General Publications, Published Papers or Articles and Published Reports
Inventory Identifier 6-1 Series 6
6-2 Reprints

Includes reprints and one typed manuscript. PMR & M. Rohan, 'A Fatal Human Infection with Streptobacillus Moniliformis', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 1, no. 12, 1941, pp. 359-361. (Complete issue included; also includes typed manuscript); 'A Comparison of the Tensile Strengths of Iodine Sterilized and heat Sterilized Catgut Sutures', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, Vol. 15, no. 2, 1945, pp.118-122; PMR & Jean E. Armytage, 'Hospital Blankets as a Source of Infection', Medical Journal of Australia, April 13, 1946, pp. 503-508; 'The Treatment of Hospital Blankets with Oil Emulstions and the Bactericidal Action of "Fixanol C" (Cetyl Pyridinium Bromide)', Medical Journal of Australia, April 20, 1946, pp. 539-544; 'Cross-Infection of Wounds in a Surgical Ward During a Trial of the Use of Oiled Blankets', Medical Journal of Australia, April 5, 1947, pp. 427-430; 'Some Observations on Fibrinolysin and Beta Toxin of Staphylococci', Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science, vol. 25, 1947, pp. 359-361; 'Staphylococcal Bacteriophages: 1. The Effect of Penicillin on Staphylococcal Bacteriophages', Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science, vol. 25, 1947, pp. 9-15; 'Staphylococcal Bacteriophages: 2. Bacteriophage Absorption by Staphylococci', Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science, vol. 25` 1947, pp. 203-212; 'The Phenomenon of Lysogenicity in Staphylococci', The Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 3, no. 2, 1949, pp. 153-163; 'The Serological Differentientation of Staphylococcal Bacteriophages', Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 164-173; PMR & Edgar F. Thomson, 'Incidence of Penicillin-Resistant and Streptomycin-Resistant Staphylococci in a Hospital', The Lancet, September 17, 1949, pp. 501-508; 'Disinfectants and their Limitations', The Australian Hospital, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 7-10.

Creator Phyllis Margaret Rountree
Date range 1941 - 1949    Quantity 2.5 cm,
Formats General Publications, Published Papers or Articles and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier 6-2 Series 6
6-3 Reprints

PMR & R.G.H. Barbour, 'Staphylococcus Pyogenes in Newborn Babies in a Maternity Hospital', Medical Journal of Australia, April 22, 1950, pp. 525-528; PMR & R.G.H. Barbour, 'Nasal Carrier Rates of Staphylococcus pyogenes in Hospital Nurses', Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. 63, no. 2, 1951, pp. 313-324; PMR, R.G.H. Barbour & Edgar F. Thomson, 'Incidence of Penicillin-Resistant and Streptomycin-Resistant Staphylococci in a Hospital', The Lancet, February 24, 1951, p. 435; 'Complement fixing Antigen in T5 coli Bacteriophage', Nature, vol. 168, July 7, 1951.'A Complement-fixing Antigen of Bact. coli Bacteriophage T5: its Behaviour During Virus Growth', British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. 32, no. 4, 1951, pp. 341-352; 'The Role of Certain Electrolytes in the Absorption of Staphylococcal Bacteriophages', Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 5, no.4, 1951, pp. 673-680; 'Cross infection of Surgical Wounds', Medical Journal of Australia, December 8, 1951, pp. 766-769; 'Serological Studies of the Multiplication of a Staphylococcal Bacteriophage', Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science, vol. 30, 1952, pp. 567-586; PMR & R.G.H. Barbour, 'Antibody to the Erythrocyte-coating Polysaccharide of Staphylococci: its Occurrence in Human Sera', Australasian Annals of Medicine, vol. 1, no. 1, 1952, pp. 80-83; PMR & Edgar F. Thomson, 'Incidence of Antibiotic-resistant Staphylococci in a Hospital', The Lancet, August 9, 1952, pp. 262-266; 'Bacteriophage Typing of Strains of Staphylococci Isolated in Australia', The Lancet, March 14, 1953, p. 514; 'Observations on the Lysis of Staphylococci by Bacteriophages', Atti del VI Congresso Internazionale di Microbiologia, Rome 1953, vol. 3, no. 10, p. 489; J.L. Farrant & PMR, 'Electron Microscopy of a Staphylococcal Bacteriophage', Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 9, no. 2, 1953, pp. 288-292; 'Ecology of the Staphylococci', PMR's Presidential Address to the 30th Meeting of ANZAAS, 1954; PMR, Barbara M. Freeman & R.G.H. Barbour, 'Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in the General Population and its Relationship to Hospitalization and to Penicillin Therapy', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 2, no. 12, 1954, pp. 457-460; Clair Isbister, E. Beatrix Durie, PMR & Barbara M. Freeman, 'A Further Study of Staphylococcal Infection in the Newborn', Medical Journal of Australia, December 4, 1954, p. 897; 'The Role of Divalent Cations in the Multiplication of Staphylococcal Bacteriophages', Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 12, no. 2, 1955, pp. 275-287; 'Streptococcus pyogenes Infections in a Hospital', The Lancet, July 23, 1955, pp. 172-173; PMR & Barbara M. Freeman, 'Infections Caused by a Particular Phage Type of Staphylococcus aureus', Medical Journal of Australia, July 30, 1955, p. 157.

Creator Phyllis Margaret Rountree
Date range 1950 - 1955    Quantity 3 cm,
Formats Journals and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier 6-3 Series 6
6-4 Reprints

Reprints and one photocopy. PMR, J. Sinclair Isbister, Lorimer Dods, C.E. Cook & Bruce T. Mayes, Staphylococcal Infections in Maternity Hospitals: Report by the Special Committee appointed by the National Health and Medical Research Council to investigate staphylococcal infections in maternity hospitals and to suggest measures of control, Canberra, 1956; PMR, Barbara M. Freeman & K.G. Johnston, 'Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus by Various Domestic and Laboratory Animals', Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 319-321; Edgar F. Thomson, PMR & Barbara M. Freeman, 'Observations on the Sensitivity to Erythromycin of Staphylococcus aureus', Antibiotics Annual, New York, 1956; PMR & Judith Rheuben, 'Penicillin-resistant Staphylococci in the General Population', Medical Journal of Austalia, March 10, 1956, pp. 399-402; PMR, Mary Heseltine, Judith Rheuben & R.P. Shearman, 'Control of Staphylococcal Infection of the Newborn by the Treatment of Nasal Carriers in the Staff', Medical Journal of Australia, March 31, 1956, pp. 528-532; 'Staphylococci Harboured by People in Western Highlands of New Guinea', The Lancet, May 19, 1956, pp. 719-720; 'Variations in a Related Series of Staphylococcal Bacteriophages', Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 15, no. 2, 1956, pp. 266-279; A. Johnson, PMR, Katherine Smith, N.F. Stanley, K. Anderson, A Survey of Staphylococcal Infections of the Skin And Subcutaneous Tissues in General Practice in Australia May-December 1958, N.H.M.R.C. Special Report Series no. 10, Canberra, 1960; PMR & Mary A. Beard, 'Further Observations on Infection With Phage Type 80 Staphylococci in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, December 13, 1958, pp. 789-795; J.E. Hassall & PMR, 'Staphylococcal Septicaemia', The Lancet, January 31, 1959, pp. 213-217; 'Changes in the Phage-typing Patterns of Staphylococci Following Lysogenization', Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 20, no. 3, 1959, pp. 620-633. Also includes: Photocopy, 'Causation, Prevention, and Control of Staphylococcal Disease in Hospitals', Panel Discussion with PMR taking part, transcribed in Antibiotics Annual 1958-1959, New York, 1959.

Creator Phyllis Margaret Rountree
Date range 1956 - 1959    Quantity 4.5 cm,
Formats Journals and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier 6-4 Series 6
6-5 Reprints

PMR, Maureen Harrington, John Loewenthal & Richard Gye, 'Staphylococcal Wound Infection in a Surgical Unit', The Lancet, July 2, 1960, pp. 1-6; PMR & Elizabeth H. Asheshov, 'Further Observations on Changes in the Phage-typing Pattern of Phage Type 80/81 Staphylococci', Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 26, 1961, pp. 111-122; Richard Gye, PMR & John Loewenthal, 'Infection of Surgical Wounds With Clostridium Welchii', Medical Journal of Australia, May 27, 1961; R.V.S. Bain, PMR, J. Walker-Smith, 'Human Infection With Pasteurella Multocida (Pasteurella Septica)', Medical Journal of Australia, September 2, 1961, pp. 395-396; PMR & Wallace G. Grigor, 'Antimicrobial Therapy in Staphylococcal Disease of Children', The Pediatrics Clinics of North America, vol. 8, no. 4, 1961, pp. 1161-1175; PMR, John Loewenthal, Elizabeth Tedder & Richard Gye, 'Staphylococcal Wound Infection: the Use of Neomycin and Chlorhexidine ("Naseptin") Nasal Cream in its Control', Medical Journal of Australia, September 8, 1962, pp. 367-370; 'The Origin and Spread of Virulent Staphylococci', Recent Progress in Microbiology VIII, University of Toronto Press, 1962 (Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbiology); PMR & Mary A. Beard, 'Observations on the distribution of Staphylococcus aureus in the atmosphere of a surgical ward', Journal of Hygiene, Cambridge, vol. 60, 1962, pp. 387-400; 'Hospital Strains of Staphylococcus aureus', Infection in Hospitals Symposium, Oxford, 1963, 67-73; 'The effect of desiccation on the viability of Staphylococcus aureus', Journal of Hygiene, Cambridge, vol. 61, 1963, pp. 265-272; 'A Note on Tetracycline-Resistant Haemolytic Streptococci of Group A in Sydney', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 1, 1964, p. 799; PMR & Patricia K. Littlewood, 'The Nasal Flora of Auyana People in the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 2, 1964, p. 336; PMR & J.G. McLeod, 'Human Listeriosis: a Report of Two Cases in Adults', Medical Journal of Australia, September 12, 1964, p. 414; J. May, PMR, Mary A. Beard & John Loewenthal, 'Cloxacillin in the Therapy of Staphylococcal Infection', Medical Journal of Australia, September 26, 1964, pp. 496-498; Mary A. Beard & PMR, 'Bacteriophage Inhibition in Staphylococci', Journal of General Microbiology, vol. 40, 1965, pp.207-217; PMR & Mary A. Beard, 'The Spread of Neomycin-Resistant Staphylococci in a Hospital', Medical Journal of Australia, April 3, 1965, pp. 498-502; PMR & V.G. Bulteau, 'Hospital Infection with Tetracycline- resistant Haemolytic Streptococci', Medical Journal of Australia, September 11, 1965, pp. 446-448.Also includes: Yvonne E. Cossart, J.A Burges & Pamela D. Nash, 'Fatal Coxsackie B Myocarditis in an Adult', Medical Journal of Australia, March 6, 1965, pp. 337-339.

Creator Phyllis Margaret Rountree
Date range 1960 - 1965    Quantity 3 cm,
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier 6-5 Series 6
6-6 Reprints

James May, J.P. Chalmers, John Loewenthal & PMR, 'Factors in the Patient Contributing to Surgical Sepsis', Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, vol. 122, January 1966, pp. 28-32; PMR & H.R. Carne, 'Human Infection with an Unusual Corynebacterium', Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. 94, no. 1, 1967, pp. 19-27; PMR, Mary A. Beard, John Loewenthal, James May, 'Staphylococcal Sepsis in a New Surgical Ward', British Medical Journal, 21 January, 1967, pp. 132-137; PMR & Mary A. Beard, and W. Arter & Ann J. Woolcock, 'Further Studies on the Nasal Flora of People of Papua-New Guinea', Medical Journal of Australia, May 13, 1967, pp. 967-969; PMR & Mary A. Beard,'Sources of Infection in an Intensive Care Unit', Medical Journal of Australia, April 6, 1968, pp. 577-582; Michael Gracey & PMR, 'Bacterial Endocarditis in a Sydney Hospital From 1960-1965', Medical Journal of Australia, June 8, 1968, pp. 984-988; A. Cooper, Monica M. Bullen & PMR, 'Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis Treated With Purified Benzyl-penicillin', Medical Journal of Australia, October 19, 1968, pp. 668-670; PMR & Mary A. Beard, 'Hospital Strains of Staphylococcus aureus, with Particular Reference to Methicillin-resistant Strains', Medical Journal of Australia, December 28, 1968, pp. 1163-1168; 'Chloramphenicol', Journal of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, vol. 1, no. 3, 1969, pp. 188-189; 'The Nasal Flora of Australian Aboriginals of the Pitjantjatjara Tribe', Medical Journal of Australia, August 16, 1969, pp.344-347; 'Staphylococcal Infections', Supplement to the Bulletin of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney, vol. 25, no. 6, 1969, pp. ii-vi; Mary A. Beard, Alison McIntyre & PMR, 'Sphygmomanometers as a Reservoir of Pathogenic Bacteria', Medical Journal of Australia, October 11, 1969, pp. 758-760; 'Hospital Strains of Staphylococcus aureus'. No further details.

Creator Phyllis Margaret Rountree
Date range 1966 - 1969    Quantity 2 cm,
Formats General Publications and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier 6-6 Series 6
6-7 Reprints

Reprints of articles by PMR and colleagues at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Mary A. Beard, Alison McIntyre, PMR, 'Manometers may be a source of hospital infection', Modern Medicine of Australia, May 18, 1970; 'History of Staphylococcal Infection in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 2, 1978, pp. 543-546; Alison M. Vickery, M.A. Beard-Pegler & P.M. Rountree, 'Strain Differentiation in Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus', Pathology, vol. 15, 1983, pp. 235-240; 'The Pasteur Institute and Australia', in Louis Pasteur and the Pasteur Institute in Australia, Jean Chaussivert & Maurice Blackman (eds), University of New South Wales, 1988, pp. 9-16; 'Pasteur in Australia', Australian Microbiologist, nos 3-5, 1983; 'Jean Danysz - a Forgotten Visitor to Australia', Australian Microbiologist, vol. 9, no.1, 1988, pp. 35-42; Also includes: reprint and manuscript of Mary A. Beard-Pegler & Alison M. Vickery, 'Lysogenicity of Methicillin-resistant Strains of Staphylococcus aureus', Journal of Medical Microbiology, vol. 20, 1985, pp. 147-155; Manuscript: PMR & Alison M. Vickery, 'Further Observations on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococci', 197?.

Creator Phyllis Margaret Rountree
Date range 1970? - 1988    Quantity 2 cm,
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier 6-7 Series 6

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, April 2004
Listed by Lisa Jooste and Tim Sherratt, WWW edition prepared by Tim Sherratt, Elissa Tenkate and Katrina Dean
HTML edition Ailie Smith
Updated 29 May 2018

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