Date Range | 1975 - 1990 |
Quantity | 2 cm, 1 notebook |
Provenance | Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd) |
Description | Handwritten log detailing dates, times and results of tests for effluent levels. The provenance of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited has been assigned to this series as it was not possible to determine a finer provenance attribution. |
Inventory Listing
Effluent Monitoring Log
Log of effluent from the plant, showing dates, times, pH levels, amount of colour, parts per million for various metals and solids, etc.
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1975 - 1990
Quantity 2 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Numeric Data, Notebooks and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0239
Box Number 119
Series 66