Series 63 - Computer Print-outs

Date Range1989 - 1990
Quantity19.5 cm, 9 files
ProvenancePigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)

Computer print-outs of materials, stock, batch weights, customer orders, etc. Also includes a data dictionary. The majority of the print-outs feature alpha-numeric codes as well as titles. These codes have been included in the item descriptions where available.

The name "John O." (believed to be John H. Owens) appears in the header of a number of print-outs.

The provenance of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited has been assigned to this series as it was not possible to determine a finer provenance attribution.

Inventory Listing

63-1 Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited - Lot Inquiry by Lot No. Ver. 2

Computer print-out with the code "RTR066". The first page has the handwritten inscription "Just Before EOM".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1990    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0674 Box Number 123 Series 63
63-2 WIP Stock O/Balances, and Other Papers

Contains computer print-outs with the following titles and codes:
WIP Stock O/Balances (RTR067);
Total Weekly Production (RTR086 and RTR087);
Item Master Check RM/PRM (A) (RTR008);
Item Master Check-WIP (RTR004);
Sales History Detail (Lot No.) (RTR060);
Transaction History (INV280);
Chart of Accounts Definition Listing - Computer Print-out (GLD104).

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1990    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0675 Box Number 123 Series 63
63-3 Batch Weight Recoveries (Weekly)

Computer print-out with the code "RTR065".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1990    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0676 Box Number 123 Series 63
63-4 Lot/Location Inventory File - Purged Inactive Records; Lot Master Listing; and Warehouse Inventory File - Purged Inactive Records

Computer print-outs with the following codes: INV025; INV953; INV035; INV036. Some of the print-outs include the name "John O." in the header.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1990    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0677 Box Number 123 Series 63
63-5 Bill of Material Listing Indented - All Components

Computer print-out with the code "BOM905".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1990    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0678 Box Number 123 Series 63
63-6 Forecasts and Customer Orders - 1990

Computer print-out with the code "ORD201". Many of the pages include the name "John O." in the header.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1989 - 1990    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0679 Box Number 123 Series 63
63-7 Material Status Inquiry, and Other Papers

Contains computer print-outs, some featuring handwritten notes. The front page of the first print-out has the handwritten inscription: "H2SO4 [Sulphuric Acid] & other RM's [Raw Materials] stuffed by INV935 & resets."

Includes computer print-outs with the following titles and codes:
Material Status Inquiry (INV300);
Inventory Transactions Audit Trail (INV500);
Lot Inquiry by Lot (RTR055);
Deleted Item Exception Report (INV036);
Shop Orders by Order Number (SFC212);
Stock Report RM/PRM - Part 1 (RTR005);
On-line Bill of Materials Processing (BOM500);
Transaction History (INV280).

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1990    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data, Loose Notes and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0680 Box Number 123 Series 63
63-8 Performance Measurement Report

Computer print-out with the code "PER601". The name "John O." is included in the header of each page.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1990    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0681 Box Number 123 Series 63
63-9 IDDU Data Dictionary

Large computer print-out. Many of the pages are headed "IBM System/36 IDDU - Field Definition Listing" or "IBM System/36 IDDU - File Definition Listing". Many pages also feature the codes "5727SS1 - RO5M00".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1990    Quantity 7 cm, 1 file
Formats Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0682 Box Number 124 Series 63

Published by the The University of Melbourne, eScholarship Research Centre on AustehcWeb, December 2008
Listed by Barbara Cytowicz, Ann McCarthy, Gavan McCarthy, Michael Jones, Rachel Tropea
HTML edition
Updated 30 March 2009

The template for this finding aid is part of the Heritage Documentation Management System

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