Series 21 - Miscellaneous

Date Range1945 - 1963
ProvenanceDepartment of Computer Science, University of Melbourne

This series contains correspondence mainly from the files of Dr. Frank Hirst, Officer in Charge, Computation Laboratory, University of Melbourne, answering enquiries concerning computer and programming courses, visiting personnel, lectures and conferences, invitations, journals.

Inventory Listing

CSIRAC Programming Course - personal file

Springback folder containing various Programming course notes and exercises including:
Certification of Course Completion dated 28 January 1960.
'Economical Planning Periods'.
'Principles & Operation of Electronic Digital Computer'.
CSIRAC Programming Manual.
'Description of the Routines Available'.
'The Economical Planning Period Problem and Its Solution'.
Includes clipping from MU Gazette 'CSIRAC has Returned' by Peter Thorne.
(Donated by Ian McDowell)

Creator Ian McDowell
Date range 1960    Quantity 3 cm,
Inventory Identifier C135 Box Number 16 Series 21
Logical Diagram of CSIRAC

Large handrawn diagram on fine kraft paper (section missing) of the logical structure of CSIRAC. It was originally displayed in the Computation Laboratory. It was possibly used to describe the structure of the computer to students of programming courses. It is a more detailed version of a similar diagram in the course notes provided for programming courses in the late 1950s. The diagram for many years was taped to a cardboard backing sheet. It may be important since it gives more detail of the overall structure than other diagrams.
(The diagram was retained by Peter Thorne when the Computation Laboratory was closed down and occasionally used in Courses on Computer Design during the 1970-80s.)

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range 1955-6?
Formats Diagrams
Inventory Identifier C134 Box Number 17 Series 21
Correspondence - miscellaneous

Letter from Dr Frank Hirst to Trevor Pearcey enclosing CSIRAC 'name plate', two crystals and library tapes (tapes not identified). (This 'name plate' was the first to be produced but was incorrect by the omission of the words 'and Industrial' and was replaced).

Creator Dr Frank Hirst
Date range 21 October 1982    Quantity 1 letter
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier C126 Box Number 15 Series 21

This file contains correspondence mainly from files of Frank Hirst, Officer in Charge, Computation Laboratory, University of Melbourne answering enquiries concerning computer and programming courses, visiting personnel, lectures and conferences, invitations, journals. Copy of Australian Computer Society booklet of constitution and list of foundation members.
Client thank you letters:
22/6/56 Institution of Radio Engineers
9/2/59 Kyneton Business & Professional Women’s Club
9/6/59 Institution of Radio Engineers
24/8/59 Forests Commission of Victoria
22/10/59 Baker Institute
2/11/59 University of Melbourne, School of Education
11/11/59 Commonwealth Public Service Inspector
1/7/60 State Electricity Commission
30/9/60 Frankston Teachers’ College
13/4/61 Education Department
20/12/61 Australian Society of Accountants
6/9/62 Sixteen Millimetre Australia

Royal Melbourne Technical College Department of Civil Engineering Notice dated 28/10/60 re C.F. Koerner Memorial Lecture.
CSIRAC Editing Plate (15985).
Blank routine sheets (3xsheets) (16872)
Blank "Computation Laboratory" Letterhead (2xsheets) (16873).
Correspondence details:
8/6/45 Ferranti Ltd/UK to Uni of Melb Enclosing list for IN.17-new 7-range clip-on ammeter (list not on file).
15/1/55 Butterworth & Co to Uni of Melb Advising of their publications on automatic digital calculators.
25/2/55 Melb Uni Staff Association Circular-New Staff salaries and conditions.
4/4/55 F. Hirst to Board of Extra-Mural/UK Requesting record of lecturs/syllabus of digital computing course.
6/7/55 F. Hirst to B.H. Blackwell Ltd/UK Payment and value of periodicals he is sending to them as arranged.
5/5/56 H.H. Robertson/Teddington to P. Swan Re publication of paper n-He3, n-T/errors therein/machine time & programs for DEUCE for p-T, p-He3 problems.
29/5/56 Phil Hyde to F. Hirst Personal letter/Geoff Chandler update.
22/6/56 R.R.Mackay/Inst of Radio Engineers to F. Hirst Thank you for lecture (34/19049).
28/6/56 Spencer Broughton to F. Hirst CSIRAC and can it play chess.
27/6/56 F. Hirst to Spencer Broughton CSIRAC and chess playing.
7/7/56 Spencer Broughton to F. Hirst CSIRAC and chess.
31/7/56 F. Hirst to Spencer Broughton CSIRAC and chess playing.
25/7/56 National Cash Register to AAEC Advice re "Live" Keyboard National Adding Listing Machine.
28/8/56 The Victoria Ltd Booking reservation for M. Beard.
19/10/56 Electrical Mfrs Assc. to C.E. Moorhouse Thank you for demonstration of CSIRAC.
Undated Chart Conversion of Hong Kong standard time to true solar time.
Undated List Names for Post Graduate course in tropical architecture (faded).
10/6/57 Aust Inst of Mgmt to T.M. Cherry Invitation to attend meeting of academic & business leaders to discuss advent of electronics and associated equipment.
9/7/57 Aust Inst of Mgmt Circular advising of training on CSIRAC.
Undated National Mutual Life to Aust Inst Mgmt Commenting on lack of speed of CSIRAC and preferring SILLIAC until possible speed up of CSIRAC.
26/8/57 Frank Cummins to F. Hirst Personal letter.
Undated Business card McLean T. Martin of Philips Electrical Industries.
10/9/57 Circular/Computer Colloquium J.M. Bennett to speak on ‘How Computers are Born' to be followed by discussion of possible courses of action for forming a Computer Society in Australia.
12/11/57 ANZ Assn for Advancement of Science to T.M. Cherry Symposium on computers planned/does Dept want to contribute papers?
17/12/57 Oak Ridge National Lab/US to F.Hirst Requesting reprint of 'The d-6LI Reaction'.
Undated Business card Hollis-Bee/Servian Machine Tools.
Undated Business card Ronald J.T. Payne Pty Ltd.
Undated Note T. Pearcey address UK (handwritten).
7/2/58 Aust Soc.of Instrument Tech to F.Hirst Convention photographs available/Visit to CSIRAC.
Undated Business Card Laurence A. Wade/Mullard-Australia Pty Ltd.
Undated Business Card R.T. Reynolds/IBM World Trade Corporation/NY.
Undated Envelope Notes of contacts for Geoff Randell/Keith Henderson/Telegraph
maintenance (handwritten).
Undated Envelope Notes for contacting NGN Electrical Ltd/UK-Fluon or Teflon(handwritten).
Undated Envelope Note for contacting Robin Bartlett (handwritten).
16/4/58 Dept of Navy to Computation Lab. Requesting news items for Digital Computer Newsletter.
Undated Curriculum Vitae Frederick Kenneth Wright.
Undated Business Card James L. Griffin/Australian Mutual Provident Society.
13/6/58 Thomas C. Lothian to F. Hirst Sending inspection copy of book ‘Modern Computing Methods’.
1958 Lectures 1958 Listing of Lectures-Physics Department.
15/10/58 Dept of Navy to Computation Lab. Requesting news items for Digital Computer Newsletter.
Undated With Compliments From Kent, Brierley & fisher (handwritten note).
15/1/59 F. Hirst to R. Mascall Confirming he will address Kyneton Business & Professional Women’s Club.
6/2/59 F. Hirst to Registrar/MU Covering letter (enclosure not on file).
9/2/59 H.Hoffman/Kyneton Business & Prof.Women’s Club to F. Hirst Thank you for address (37/19052).
13/3/59 Terry Holden to F. Hirst Thank you for print and enclosing 3 photographs (not on file).
25/3/59 F. Hirst to Australian Inst. of Mgmt Day Conference lectures & lecturers details (not on file).
29/4/59 Dept of Navy to Computation Lab. Requesting news items for Digital Computer Newsletter.
9/6/59 D.E. Hooper/Institution of Radio Engineers to F. Hirst Thank you for assistance to Radio Engineers Convention (35/19050).
5/6/59 Elizabeth Pape to F. Hirst Requesting information on computers (schoolgirl Morongo PGC).
22/6/59 F. Hirst to Elizabeth Pape Responding with information on computers.
8/7/59 F. Hirst to Accountant/MU Request for postage stamps for computation laboratory.
21/7/59 Dept of Navy to Computation Lab. Requesting news items for Digital Computer Newsletter.
24/8/59 Forests Comm of Vic to F. Hirst Thank you for calculations (23/19038).
9/10/59 F. Hirst to Science Teachers’ Asscn. Accepting invitation to attend Bursary Winners’ Exhibition.
23/10/59 Science Teachers’ Asscn. Bursary meeting - award winners listing.
22/10/59 T.E. Lowe/Baker Institute Announcing seminar/speaker F. Hirst (24/19039).
2/11/59 R.H. Cowban/Melb Uni to F. Hirst Thank you for demonstration to Uni High School students (36/19051).
11/11/59 A.F. Spratt/Comm Public Service Inspector to F. Hirst Thank you for demonstration (27/19042).
Undated Percy Boyden (Vic) Pty Ltd. Change of address notice.
21/1/60 Dept of Navy to Computation Lab. Requesting news items for Digital Computer Newsletter.
2/2/60 F. Hirst to Aust.Soc. of Accountants Enclosing synopsis of paper “Application of Computers for solving Scientific & Operations research problems arising in Business.
2/5/60 Tait Publishing Co. to T. Cherry Requesting article on CSIRAC for journal 'Australian Factory'.
9/5/60 F. Hirst to Tait Publishing Co. Covering letter plus article ’Details of CSIRAC’.
10/5/60 Tait Publishing to F. Hirst Thank you for information.
10/6/60 F. Hirst to CSIRO/Mathematics Enclosing paper 'On Waiting Times for Drought Relief in Queensland' (not on file here).
29/6/60 Provisional Intl Computation Centre/Italy to MU Requesting information for ‘International Repertory of Computation Laboratories'.
23/8/60 F. Hirst to Centro Int. Enclosing questionnaire for bulletin.
28/10/60 Provisional Intl to F. Hirst Thank you for questionnaire.
28/10/60 C.F. Tilson/RMIT Civil & Aero Eng. Notice for C.F. Koerner Memorial lecture (3xcopies)(56/19064).
1/7/60 J.L.N. Cooke/State Electricity Comm to F. Hirst Thank you for demonstration/lecture (25/19040).
1/7/60 F. Hirst to Carlton & United Breweries Details for panel discussion 'Any Computer Questions?'.
13/7/60 ICIANZ to F. Hirst Details for visit of A.J. Young.
19/7/60 Dept of Navy to Computation Lab. Requesting news items for Digital Computer Newsletter.
9/8/60 E.J. Morrison to F. Hirst Return of book.
Undated RMIT to F. Hirst Invitation to attend Open Week evening.
Undated Notes Handwritten calculations.
6/9/60 G.H. Jowett/MU to F. Hirst Confirmation to speak at Operational Research course.
6/9/60 F.H. Johnston/MU to F. Hirst Thank you for Computation Laboratory Report 1959/60.
13/9/60 C.B.O. Mohr/MU to F. Hirst Annual revision for contents fire insurance.
30/9/60 Gordon A. Wilson/Frankston Teachers’ College to F. Hirst Thank you for demonstration (28/19043).
Undated Envelope Addressed to Mr. Hill from Dept of Civil Aviation.
24/10/60 R.D. Brown/Monash Uni to F. Hirst Requesting correction of notes of small computers.
22/11/60 F. Hirst to R.D. Brown/Monash Uni Returning corrected notes.
18/11/60 Comm.X-Ray & Radium Lab to MU Forwarding publications as listed.
7/12/60 F. Hirst to Standard Telephones Enclosing Flexowriter code.
25/11/60 John M. Bennett/Nuclear Research Foundation to F. Hirst Re two Russian scientists visiting Australia-possible visit to Melbourne-Dr. Varfolomeev and Dr. Smirnov.
30/11/60 F. Hirst to John M. Bennett Will cooperate if sufficient interest from other universities.
2/12/60 John M. Bennett to F. Hirst Arrangements for visit for two Russian scientists.
6/12/60 Uni of Adelaide to F. Hirst Querying division of costs for the two Russian scientists.
7/12/60 F. Hirst to The Age Press release on visit of two Russian scientists.
7/12/60 F. Hirst to Herald & Weekly Times Press release on visit of two Russian scientists.
7/12/60 F. Hirst to Oriental Hotel Confirmation of accommodation bookings.
9/12/60 Oriental Hotel to F. Hirst Confirmation of booking and official receipt.
8/12/60 F. Hirst to Uni of Adelaide Agreement on costs for the two Russian scientists.
Undated Press release ABV2, GTV9, HSV7 - re visit of two Russian scientists.
15/12/60 F. Hirst to Accountant/MU Reimbursement cheques request.
15/12/60 Public Lecture NoticeComputers in Russia” by Dr.A.D. Smirnov (2xcopies).
19/12/60 Arthur Jones to F. Hirst Postcard from Berkeley/US.
29/11/60 F. Hirst to Asscn of Computing Mach/US & Gesellschaft Fur Angewandte/Germ. Requesting constitutions for details of affiliation for forming computer association.
7/12/60 Asscn for Computing Mach to F. Hirst Thank you for enquiry, referring it on to President.
20/12/60 F. Hirst to D.B. Synnott/PMG Dept. Change of date for meeting of Steering Committee for formation of computer society.
27/12/60 D.B. Synnott/PMG Dept. to F. Hirst Appointing proxy for computer society meeting.
Undated Examiner’s Report by F. Hirst
15/2/61 Dept of Navy to Computation Lab. Requesting news items for Digital Computer Newsletter.
10/3/61 C.B.O. Mohr/MU Request for Research Report for period to 28/2/61. Handwritten draft report on reverse side.
20/3/61 F. Hirst to J.M. Bennett Corrections for ‘Vestes’ article/Vic Computer Society figures.
23/3/61 John M. Bennett to F. Hirst Thank you for corrections.
20/3/61 Provisional Intl. Computation Centre to Melb Uni Requesting corrections to entry.
27/4/61 MU to Provisional Intl. Computation. Revisions as requested.
3/4/61 H.H. Green Electronics to F. Hirst Invitation to meet R.F. Brown, Racal Engineering, UK.
5/5/61 R. Menhennet to F. Hirst Request for booklet on CSIRAC.
9/5/61 F. Hirst to D.B. Synnott/PMG Enclosing article as requested.
Undated Statement Formation expenses of Victorian Computer Society.
31/3/61 Uni of Melbourne Notice of Union Theatre performance by Opera School.
13/4/61 C.K. Davies/Australian Society of Accountants to F. Hirst Thank you for contribution to Electronic Data Processing Convention (38/19053).
28/6/61 F. Hirst to Vice Chancellor/MU Permission sought to hold Computer Conference at MU.
Undated T.M. Cherry to F. Hirst Request for demonstration in CSIRAC laboratory (handwritten).
7/7/61 Provisional Intl. Compuation Centre to Melb Uni Request for update.
4/7/61 Data Control Change of address card (handwritten notes on reverse).
11/8/61 F. Hirst to L.S. Goddard/Uni of Tas. Confirming appointment to discuss computers.
20/8/61 F. Adamson/Upwey High to F. Hirst Thank you for computer viewing.
6/9/61 F. Hirst to D. Elliott/A. Basser Will address colloquim on ‘CSIRAC’ activities.
25/10/61 E. Elliott/A. Basser to F. Hirst Re Kingsley Winikoff capabilities for higher degree.
27/10/61 F. Hirst to D. Elliot/A. Basser Recommendation for Kingsley Winikoff.
8/11/61 K.B. Stonier to Automatic Data/UK Details of State computer societies.
10/11/61 K.P. Sullivan to Melb. Uni Press Order for headed paper.
Undated Notes (handwritten) on MU letterhead.
Undated Dept of Defence EDP programmer positions.
5/12/61 F. Hirst to Copperplate printer Order for visiting cards.
5/12/61 Dave Elliott/A. Basser to F. Hirst Thank you for hospitality (handwritten).
20/12/61 A.W. Woodhouse/Education Dept to F. Hirst Thank you for lecture (26/19041).
Undated B. Shanahan/MU Science to F. Hirst Request for address to club.
5/1/62 MU to B. Shanahan/MU Science Club Advising Dr. Hirst overseas.
Undated Notice Application for Admission details.
21/2/62 D.E. Caro/MU to Accounts Dept Alterations to telephone system.
25/2/62 E.O. Hercus to F. Hirst/UK Update on work on CSIRAC and laboratory staff/clients.
7/3/62 Advertisement Uni of Adelaide/Position of Director of the Uni Computing Centre.
9/4/62 F.E. Binet/CSIRO to T. Pearcey Apology for spelling error (handwritten).
27/4/62 Intl. Computation Centre to T. Cherry Request for updated material for publication.
1/6/62 W.R. Flower to Intl Computation Centre Update on CSIRAC speed.
14/5/62 John M. Bennett to F. Hirst Visit of Edmund C. Berkeley/Editor of ‘Computers & Automation’.
Undated Listing Visitors to the University during 1962.
11/6/62 F. Hirst to Science Teachers’ Asscn. Unable to accept invitation as overseas.
25/6/62 F. Hirst/UK to P.L. Henderson/MU Proposal for course in Industrial Management (handwritten).
2/7/62 P.L. Henderson/MY to F. Hirst Delighted F. Hirst will assist with above course, but as yet unapproved.
9/7/62 St.Paul’s Restoration Appeal to Mrs. E.O. Hercus Condolences on loss of Dr. E.O. Hercus and advice of donations in his memory.
28/8/62 F. Hirst to Accounts/MU Unavailability of EDP accounting courses.
5/9/62 F. Hirst to Institute of Physics Resuming role of liaison officer.
6/9/62 D.V. Schache,Sixteen Millemetre Aust to F. Hirst Thank you for calculation (55/19063).
10/9/62 F. Hirst to British Computer Society Payment of subscription for 1962-3.
19/9/62 John M. Bennett/A. Basser to F. Hirst Questionnaire for his forthcoming talk at ANCCAC Conference.
21/9/62 F. Hirst to John M. Bennett/A. Basser Returning questionnaire.
August Accountant/MU to Computer Dept. Expenditure for August.
6/11/62 John M. Bennett to F. Hirst Seeking approval to release questionnaire details to other Universities.
9/11/62 F. Hirst to John M. Bennett Approval to send questionnaire on and looking forward to receiving copies of other universities answers.
30/11/62 F. Hirst to V. Kee Advising she arrange part-time work in ICI Sirius Computer Lab.
30/11/62 John M. Bennett/A. Basser to F. Hirst Arrangements for Melbourne visit.
4/12/62 H.F.Craig/MU Summer School to F.Hirst Confirmation of address to the Eighth Summer School of Bus. Admin.
6/12/62 P.L. Henderson to F. Hirst Day & time for Data Processing & Computers subject.
7/12/62 John M. Bennett/A.Basser to F. Hirst Will be in Melbourne earlier than advised.
17/12/62 F. Hirst to Accountant/MU Fees for Australian Computer Conference 1963.
23/1/63 G.W. Paton to Heads of Departments Notice-Buildings & Maintenance grants 1963.

Undated Brochure-Elliott-Automation ‘The Elliott-Automation “Self-Service” Computer Centre’.
Undated Envelope addressed to G.W. Hill Uni of Melbourne - Parking in grounds instructions & parking permit (handwritten calculations on reverse of envelope).
1987 Ivanhoe Grammar School ‘The Ridgeway’ - school publication No.59, Term III-‘Old Boy achievements recognised’ - Frank Hirst (page 8).
5/4/61 Victorian Computer Society Constitution and List of Foundation Members.
Undated Quis
Undated Handwritten notes
Undated 2xpages computer print outs
Undated Interprogram Matrix Data for T504M #4.

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control MV15985, 16872, 16873
Date range 1956 - 1962    Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Artefacts or Objects/Realia, General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier C121 Box Number 7 Series 21

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, 2002
Listed by Ron Bowles, Jurij Semkiw, John Spencer, Judith Hughes
HTML edition
Updated 5 July 2005

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