Series 13 - Published Papers and Reports

Date Range1948 - 1984
ProvenanceDepartment of Computer Science, University of Melbourne

This series contains newpaper clippings, published papers and reports. The majority of the material is written by T. Pearcey, M. Beard and G.W. Hill and published by various sources including CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, Sydney. The papers cover design and operational aspects of CSIRAC.

Inventory Listing

Published Papers and Reports

June 1948 Paper - ‘The Organisation of a Preliminary High-Speed Computer’ by T. Pearcey and M. Beard, CSIRO Radiophysics, June 1948 (16879).

23 January 1952 Paper - ‘An Electronic Computer’ by M. Beard and T. Pearcey - J. Sci. Inst. Vol 29 305-311.

July 1953 Paper - ‘A Magnetic Drum Digital Storage System’ by B.F.C. Cooper - CSIRO reprint from proceedings IRE Vol 14 No 7, July 1953 (57/16881).

1963 Pamphlet - Proposed Programme and Registration Form for the Australia Computer Conference, Melbourne 1963.

1963 Pamphlet - ‘Implementation of Programming Systems within an Integrated Computer Network’ - CSIRO - from Proceedings Australian Computer Conference, Melbourne.

March 1964 Paper - ‘Aspects of the Philosophy of Computer Programming’ by T. Pearcey - The Computer Bulletin.

February 1965 Extract-‘Farewell to CSIRAC’ by F. Hirst - VCS Bulletin.

September 1968 Paper - ‘Networks of Computers’ by J.M. Bennett and T. Pearcey - Proceedings I.R.E.E. Australia 321-329 (Note fading copy- photocopy included).

1 February 1972 Paper ‘Distributed Computing Systems’ by T. Pearcey - Australian Computer Journal Vol 4 p3-11.

1976 Pamphlet - ‘A personal memory retrieval - 35 years with computers’ by T. Pearcey - CIT Journal Vol 6.

November 1980 Paper - ‘The Genesis of an Early Stored-Program Computer (CSIRAC)’ by M. Beard & T. Pearcey. Prepared for submission to Annals of the History of Computing.

2 March 1984 Newspaper clipping -"Why the father of our computer is worried about the next generation" by Sally White - The Age.

undated Paper - ‘Automatic Programming - Part 1 - Simple Compiler Techniques of CSIRAC’ by G.W. Hill and G.J. Sanderson.

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Date range 1948 - 1984    Quantity 2.5 cm, 2 files
Formats News Clippings, Journals, Published Papers or Articles and Published Reports
Inventory Identifier C116 Box Number 6 Series 13
Electronic Computer

This item contains 2 copies of a paper by M Beard. The paper is entitled 'Electronic Computer' and was published by the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, Sydney. The paper describes the structure and basic operations of an electronic computer, based on the model constructed by the CSIRO. Diagrams and a short list of references are included. Both copies have 'F Hirst' inscribed on the cover.
Sept 1952 Paper - ‘Electronic Computer’ by M. Beard - Radiophysics Laboratory (2xcopies).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control RPR 117; 4/013
Date range 1952    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier C043 Box Number 2 Series 13
The Design of the Mk.I Automatic Computer

This item contains 2 copies of a paper by T Pearcey. The paper is entitled 'Automatic Computation, The Design of the Mk. 1 Automatic Computer' and was published by the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, Sydney. The paper contains a theoretical discussion of the design of the computer with accompanying diagrams. One copy is enscribed 'from S (?) Campbell to EH Palfreyman'. The other copy is enscribed 'F Hirst' and has inside the cover a pamphlet promoting a mathematics exhibition by the Mathematics Assocation of Victoria.
June 1951 Paper - ‘Automatic Computation-The Design of the MkI Automatic Computer’ by
T. Pearcey - Radiophysics Laboratory (2xcopies).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control RPR 119; 4/014
Date range 1951    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier C044 Box Number 2 Series 13
Programmes for an Automatic Computer

This item contains a paper by T Pearcey. The paper is entitled 'Automatic Computation, Part II, Programmes for an Automatic Computer' and was published by the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, Sydney. The paper contains a description of linear and repeated programs and of the forms of programs designed for elaborate computation. The cover is inscribed with the name 'F Hirst'.
July 1951 Paper - ‘Automatic Computation-Part II Programmes for an Automatic Computer’ by T. Pearcey - Radiophysics Laboratory (1xcopy).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control RPR 120; 4/015
Date range 1951    Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier C045 Box Number 2 Series 13
Use of Punched Cards for Fourier Synthesis

This item contains a paper by T Pearcey. The paper is entitled 'Use of Punched Cards for Fourier Synthesis' and was published by the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, Sydney. The cover is inscribed with the name 'F Hirst'.
Nov 1953 Paper - ‘Use of Punched Cards for Fourier Synthesis’ by T. Pearcey - Radiophysics Laboratory (1xcopy).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control RPR 121; 4/016
Date range 1953    Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier C046 Box Number 2 Series 13
Programmes for the Mk.I Computer: Pt. I

This item contains a paper by T Pearcey. The paper is entitled 'Automatic Computation, Part III, Programmes for the Mk. I Computer: Pt. I' and was published by the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, Sydney. The paper discusses the types of programmes suitable for use on the CSIRO computer. The cover of the paper is inscribed with the name 'F Hirst'.
August 1953 Paper - ‘Automatic Computation-Part III-Programmes for the MkI Computer: Pt.I’ by T. Pearcey - Radiophysics Laboratory (1xcopy).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control RPR 122; 4/017
Date range 1953    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier C047 Box Number 2 Series 13
Mercury Delay Line Memory CSIRO Computer

This item contains 3 copies of a paper by RD Ryan. The paper is entitled 'Mercury Delay Line Memory CSIRO Computer' and was published by the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, Sydney. The paper describes modifications to the computer to increase its memory.
June 1954 Paper - ‘Mercury Delay Line Memory CSIRO Computer’ by R.D. Ryan - Radiophysics Laboratory (3xcopies).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control RPR 129; 4/018
Date range 1954    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier C048 Box Number 2 Series 13
Computer Conventions in Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark 1 Computer

This item contains 2 copies of an extract from the Australian Journal of Physics, Volume 6, Number 3, Pages 316-334. The extract was reprinted for the CSIRO and contains a paper by T Pearcey and GW Hill entitled 'Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark I Computer, I. Computer Conventions.' The paper describes the layout and operation of the CSIRO Mark 1 Computer.
Vol 6 No 3 1953 Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark I Computer - I. Computer Conventions (T. Pearcey and G.W. Hill) (2xcopies) (49/16965 & 50/19061).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control 4/019
Date range 1953    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Journals
Inventory Identifier C049 Box Number 2 Series 13
Programme Techniques in Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark 1 Computer

This item contains 3 copies of an extract from the Australian Journal of Physics, Volume 6, Number 3, Pages 335-356. The extract was reprinted for the CSIRO and contains a paper by T Pearcey and GW Hill entitled 'Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark I Digital Computer, II Programme Techniques'. The paper discusses the structure of typical programs in relation to the structure of the computer.
Vol 6 No 3 1953 Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark I Digital Computer - II. Programme Techniques (T. Pearcey and G.W. Hill) (2xcopies) (51/16967).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control 4/020
Date range 1953    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Journals
Inventory Identifier C050 Box Number 2 Series 13
Adaptation of Routines for Elaborate Arithmetical Operations

This item contains 2 copies of an extract from the Australian Journal of Physics, Volume 7, Number 3, Pages 485-504. The extract was reprinted for the CSIRO and contains a paper by T Pearcey and GW Hill entitled 'Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark 1 Computer, III Adaptation of Routines for Elaborate Arithmetical Operations'. The paper describes certain programming routines using fixed indexing programming methods established for use in the CSIRO computer.
Vol 7 No 3 1954 Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark I Computer - III. Adaptation of Routines for Elaborate Arithmetical Operations (T. Pearcey and G.W. Hill) (4xcopies) (52/16969 & 53/16062).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control 4/021
Date range 1954    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier C051 Box Number 2 Series 13
The Effect of Interpretive Techniques On Functional Design of Computers

This item contains 3 copies of an extract from the Australian Journal of Physics, Volume 7, Number 3, Pages 505-519. The extract was reprinted for the CSIRO and contains a paper by T Pearcey, GW Hill and RD Ryan entitled 'The Effect of Interpretive Techniques On Functional Design of Computers'. The paper outlines ideas for future computer design based upon experience of the CSIRO computer.
Vol 7 No 3 1954 The Effect of Interpretive Techniques on Functional Design of Computers (T. Pearcey, G.W. Hill and R.D. Ryan) (3xcopies) (46/16971,47/19059 & 48/19060).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control 4/022
Date range 1954    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier C052 Box Number 2 Series 13

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, 2002
Listed by Ron Bowles, Jurij Semkiw, John Spencer, Judith Hughes
HTML edition
Updated 5 July 2005

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