Date Range | 1956 - 1965 |
Provenance | Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne |
Description | This series contains correspondence and reports related to computational developments in Australia during the 1950s. The greater part of the material in this Series comprises University of Melbourne Computation Laboratory Annual Reports. These Reports detail the work done on the CSIRAC computer during the reporting period, including the nature of the project, the organisation for which the project was conducted and the time spent completing the work. |
Inventory Listing
Computation Laboratory Reports
This item contains correspondence and Annual Reports of the Computation Laboratory of the University of Melbourne. The Reports are for the periods: 1958-1959 (3 copies); 1959-1960 (2 copies); 1960-1961 (1 copy); 1962-1963 (1 copy); 1963-1964 (1 copy). The correspondence comprises two letters to Thomas Cherry from FWG White of the CSIRO acknowledging receipt of the first and second annual reports. The Reports provide details of the operations of the Computer Laboratory over twelve month periods and include both general and specific information. Matters covered include lecture courses, modifications and improvements to CSIRAC, publications for which CSIRAC was used, projects being run on the computer (including the names of the organisations the work was done for), and a detailed breakdown of computer usage by time over the twelve month period. This item also includes a 'Report on Laboratory Activities In The Year 1958/9', from an unnamed English university. An inscription at the top of the first page reads 'Sheffield? (Leeds?)' Sheffield is underlined. There is also a copy of an extract from the 1968 Research Report of the University of Melbourne Centre for Higher Education. Correspondence details: 27/12/56 FWG White/CSIRO to TM Cherry Acknowledging first report of the Computation Laboratory. 26/8/57 FWG White/CSIRO to TM Cherry Acknowledging report on Computation Lab to 1/7/56-30/6/57. 1968 Uni of Melb Centre for Higher Education Extract from 1968 research report Undated Report Report on laboratory Activities in the year 1958/9. (possibly Sheffield).
Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Control 3/003
Date range 1956 - 1964
Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Reports
Inventory Identifier C030
Box Number 1
Series 10
Computation Laboratory Reports and Correspondence
Comprises material related to computational developments in Australia during the 1950s. The greater part of the material in this Series comprises University of Melbourne Computational Laboratory Annual Reports. These Reports detail the work done on the CSIRAC computer during the reporting period. This includes the nature of the project, the organisation for which the project was conducted and the time spent completing the work. Correspondence: 21/8/58 F. Hirst to F.W.G. White/CSIRO, enclosing copy of Computation Lab Annual Report to 30/6/58 and acknowledgement. 21/8/58 F. Hirst to Sir Ian Clunies-Ross/CSIRO, enclosing copy of Computation Lab Annual Report to 30/6/58 and acknowledgement. 8/10/58 F.H. Johnston to T.M. Cherry, Annual Report to 30/6/58 submitted to Council. 5/8/59 F. Hirst to J.M. Bennett/Uni of Syd, enclosing Computation Lab Report to 30/6/59. 5/8/59 F. Hirst to F.W.G. White/CSIRO, enclosing Computation Lab Report to 30/6/59 and useage report. 5/8/59 F. Hirst to NSW Uni of Technology, enclosing Computation Lab Report to 30/6/59. 10/8/59 F. Hirst to J. Allen-Ovenstone, enclosing Computation Lab Report to 30/6/59. 11/8/59 F.W.G. White to F. Hirst, acknowledgement of Report and achievements. 10/9/59 F.H. Johnston to F. Hirst, Annual Report to 30/6/59 submitted to Council. 7/9/61 F.H. Johnston to F. Hirst, thank you for Annual Report to 30/6/61 which was submitted to Council. Annual Reports: Computation Laboratory Report 1956 (17/12/56) (1xcopy) Computation Laboratory Report 1/7/56 - 30/6/57 (1xcopy) Computation Laboratory Report 1/7/57 - 30/6/58 (3xcopies) Computation Laboratory Report 1/7/59 - 30/6/60 (1xcopy) Computation Laboratory Report 1/7/61 - 30/6/62 (1xcopy) Computation Laboratory Report 1/7/64 - 30/6/65 (1xcopy)
Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Date range 1956 - 1965
Quantity 1.7 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier C113
Box Number 5
Series 10