Series 3 - Programming and Specific Problems

Date Range1956 - 1964
ProvenanceDepartment of Computer Science, University of Melbourne

This series contains correspondence mainly from Dr. Frank Hirst, Officer in Charge of the Computation Laboratory, University of Melbourne and Professor Cherry, Head of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Melbourne with clients seeking solutions to various calculation program specifications. There are also notes on suggestions for the solution of these programming problems.

Inventory Listing

Routine Specification Sheets

This file contains program specifications for three individual problems and a set of examples in the use of several computer instructions. The Routine Specification Sheets are as follows:
Project E 6/3/56 - Master (6xroutine sheets and 1x ruled additional page)
Project C 6/3/56 - Solution of y" = -ye -× (4xroutine sheets and 2xruled additional pages)
Project G - 6xruled additional pages; Two dodges

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range 1956    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats Specifications
Inventory Identifier C063 Box Number 5 Series 3
Specific Programming problems worked on by Dr E.O. Hercus
Identified by his handwriting.

This file contains undated notes on solution of a specific matrix requested by Govt. Aircraft Factories, linear equations, log to base 2 routine, Danilevsky program, table of binary equivalents to 4D fractions.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range 1956 - 1961    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier C064 Box Number 5 Series 3
Data Transmission

This file contains undated Data Transmission pages 1-9 plus 6cm computer 12 hole tape.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range c. 1961    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier C065 Box Number 5 Series 3
Reciprocal (Hercus)

This file contains undated notes for a reciprocal routine by Dr E.O. Hercus.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range c. 1956 - c. 1960    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier C066 Box Number 5 Series 3
Complex Eigen Functions of Matrix E.O.H.331

This file contains undated notes and symbol prints of programs for Complex Eigen functions of Matrix by Dr E.O. Hercus. Related to Inventory C064.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range c. 1961    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier C067 Box Number 5 Series 3

This file contains undated Second Difference Interpolation, notes and program.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range 1956 - 1964    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier C068 Box Number 5 Series 3

This file contains correspondence between University of Melbourne, Department of Physics with its major CSIRAC user clients such as PMG’s Department, Housing Commission of Victoria, Department of Supply, CSIRO Meteorological Physics, International Harvester, University of Tasmania Physics Department, BP Refinery (Kwinana) WA, ICI, Forest Commission of Victoria, United Permanent Building Society, Menzies Credits Limited (some with notes), The University of New England, Office of the Government Statist. This file also contains computer course notices and open forum discussion notice 1960, and Division of National Mapping publication 'Electronic Survey Computing' January 1962.
Undated Listing Binaries Sixteenths/Binaries 0 to .0625/Binaries 0 to 10000.
31/10/51 T.M. Cherry to T. Pearcey Thank you for table calculations.
27/3/56 F. Hirst to M.H. Belz Matrix inversion.
2/8/56 G. Cessford/BP Refinery to N.H. Bels Matrix Inversion.
25/9/56 T.M.Cherry to G. Cessford/BP Refinery Follow up on calculation sent but not acknowledged.
14/9/56 V.H.Arnold/Government Statist to T. Cherry Request for calculations (39/19054).
9/10/56 F. Hirst to National Physical Laboratory/UK Requesting copies of programs.
4/12/56 T.M. Cherry to R.P. Temby/MU Request for account to be sent to Housing Commission.
4/12/56 T.M. Cherry to Housing Commission Enclosing account.
21/1/57 G.W. Hill to F. Hirst Transfer of 5-hole punch/suggestions for suitable pnch/reader equipment/smooth numbers routine &rough evaluation/mention of possible second computer.
12/2/57 T. Pearcey to F. Hirst Re dates for use of CSIRAC for “synthetic radio sky”.
20/2/57 T. Pearcey to T.M. Cherry Use of CSIRAC for Monte Carlo type calculations of interest to radio astronomers/'synthetic radio sky'.
10/5/57 T.M. Cherry to I. McDowell/PMG Plant installation calculations.
16/5/57 G.A. Hills/Uni of Tas to F. Hirst Re extension of time.
15/7/57 Gavin A. Hills to F. Hirst Re data for Dr Hercus.
30/8/57 F. Hirst to G. Hills/Uni of Tas Results of aberration coefficients.
2/9/57 G.A. Hills/Uni of Tas to F. Hirst Thanks for results/costs.
20/5/57 J.S. Rogers/MU to T.M. Cherry Appointed supervisor for A.R. Jones’ project.
20/6/57 E.K. Webb/CSIRO to F. Hirst Conversion of atmospheric turbulence records for CSIRAC.
24/6/57 E. Gibson/Intl Harvester to F. Hirst Calculation for jig borer dimensions.
16/7/57 F. Hirst to E. Gibson/Intl Harvester Forwarding coordinates for two cams as above.
13/8/57 Department of Supply to F. Hirst Quotation for calculations rhombic aerials.
16/8/57 F. Hirst to Department of Supply Quotation for Rhombic Aerial Computations.
16/9/57 F. Hirst to Department of Supply Equations relevant to calculations for Rhombic Aerial computations.
8/10/57 G.A. Hills/Uni of Tas to F. Hirst Request for computation of aberration coefficients and data sheet.
11/10/57 F. Hirst to G.A. Hills/Uni of Tas. Results of aberration coefficients.
21/2/58 G.A. Hills/Uni of Tas to F. Hirst Request for computation of aberration coefficients and data sheet.
13/3/58 F. Hirst to G.A. Hills/Uni of Tas Results of aberration coefficients.
14/3/58 F. Hirst to ANZ Bank Account for multivariate analysis computations.
16/4/58 F. Hirst to E. Homewood Letter covering results of equations (equations not on file).
17/4/58 F. Hirst to J. Allica/SEC Letter enclosing Price List for using CSIRAC (price list not on file).
17/4/58 F. Hirst to R.F. Mullaly/CSIRO Double precision routines.
25/2/58 J.R. Gabriel to L. Martin Calculation of coefficients in polynomials.
6/3/58 F. Hirst to J.R. Gabriel Calculation of coefficients in polynomials and costs.
4/6/58 J.R. Gabriel to F. Hirst Cancelling request and praising program manual.
10/6/58 C.J. Brown/PMG to F. Hirst Enquiry re services and calculations for curve fitting problem.
27/6/58 F. Hirst to C.J. Brown/PMG Can undertake curve fitting calculations/send more details.
13/8/58 F. Hirst to C.J. Brown/PMG Require further details before commencing work.
17/9/58 F. Hirst to H. Campbell/ICIANZ Results to polynomial calculations.
19/9/58 H. Campbell/ICIANZ to F. Hirst Acknowledgement of receipt of calculations.
22/10/58 F.J. Kerr/CSIRO to F. Hirst Parkes radio telescope calculation request.
4/11/58 F. Hirst to F.J. Kerr/CSIRO Prefer to wait return of T. Pearcey prior to commencing
19/12/58 F. Hirst to C.J. Brown/PMG Programming completed for matrix manipulation and cost advice.
23/1/59 B.V. Hamon/CSIRO to G.W. Hill Requesting advice for projects - ‘Application of time series analysis to mean sea levels’.
11/2/59 G.W. Hill to B.V. Hamon/CSIRO Advice re above request.
23/3/59 F. Hirst to United Permanent Building Society Letter covering results of various calculations.
23/6/59 E. Homewood/Dept of Crown Lands to F. Hirst Requesting 20 condition equations.
6/7/59 F. Hirst to E. Homewood/Dept of Crown Lands Enclosing answers for 20 condition equations.
14/7/59 F. Hirst to E. Homewood/Dept of Crown Lands Advising of scaling error.
22/9/59 J.S. Mitchell/Menzies Credits to F. Hirst Request for calculations (incl Hirst handwritten notes)(29/19044).
30/9/59 F. Hirst to J.S. Mitchell/Menzies Credits Results for problems.
5/10/59 J.S. Mitchell/Menzies Credits to F. Hirst Request for calculations (incl Hirst handwriten notes)(31/19046).
22/10/59 F. Hirst to J.S. Mitchell/Menzies Credits Investment schedules.
23/12/59 G.B. Hill to F. Hirst Payment for work on frames for proposed T&G building.
14/1/60 J.S. Mitchell/Menzies Credits to F. Hirst Request for calculations (incl Hirst handrwriten notes) (30/19045).
15/1/60 F. Hirst to G.B. Hill Acknowledgement of cheque.
29/2/60 A.O. Morris/Irrig.&Water Supply to F. Hirst Equasions for Moogerah Dam Triangulation Survey.
29/2/60 A.O. Morris/Irrig&Water Supply to I.E.W. Martin Letter of authority re above.
27/4/60 F. Hirst to I.E.W. Martin Results of equasions and costs.
4/5/60 A.O. Morris/Irrig&Water Supply to F. Hirst Thank you for results.
4/3/60 F. Hirst to A.R. Jones Requesting he process a least square adjustment.
9/6/60 F. Hirst to F. Jacka/Antarctic Division Quotation for Auroral research program.
22/6/60 Forests Commission to F. Hirst Request for log volume tables.
27/6/60 F. Hirst to Forests Commission Quotation for above.
7/7/60 James Bennett to F. Hirst Request for CSIRAC programming manual.
13/7/60 Open Forum Agenda.
14/7/60 F. Hirst to James Bennett Advising publication for resale, but will forward revised
copy when reprinted.
8/8/60 Notice for Programming Course.
2/9/60 E.A. Cornish/CSIRO to F. Hirst Re paper ‘On waiting times for drought relief in Qld’.
13/9/60 F. Hirst to E.A. Cornish/CSIRO Acknowledgement of above advice.
22/9/60 E.A. Cornish/CSIRO to F. Hirst Above paper now sent for printing.
31/10/60 F. Hirst to E.A. Cornish/CSIRO Acknowledgement of intention to print.
20/10/60 E. Elston to G.W. Hill Symbols to cover info algebra.
17/10/60 Bob Scott/APM to F. Hirst Re small regression analysis.
16/11/60 J.E. Young/United Permanent to F. Hirst Request for calculations (32/19407).
22/11/60 F. Hirst to J.E. Young/United Permanent Quarterly repayment schedules.
28/10/60 E.A. Cornish/CSIRO to F. Hirst ‘On waiting times for drought relief in Qld’ now to be published as a technical paper.
14/11/60 E.A. Cornish/CSIRO to F. Hirst re amendments to above paper.
13/12/60 PMG to F. Hirst Processing of Trunk Fault Dockets/The Five Unit code.
3/1/61 K.W. Macdonald/PMG to F. Hirst Allocation of budget for use on CSIRAC computer.
2/3/61 F. Hirst to Bob Scott/APM Returning data with comments and waiting instruction.
15/3/61 F. Hirst for Engineers Meeting Engineering Applications of Digital Computers.
5/5/61 E. Homewood/Crown Lands to F. Hirst 10 equations for least squares adjustment.
12/5/61 G.J. Churcher/Govt Aircraft Factories to F. Hirst Thank you for work.
24/5/61 A.O. Morris/Irrigation & Water Supply to G. Hill Re triangulation program availability.
22/6/61 E. Homewood/Crown Lands to F. Hirst 27 equations for least squares adjustment.
23/6/61 Dept of Supply to F. Hirst Quotation for Rhombic Aerial computations for Dept of Army.
26/6/61 F. Hirst to R.D. Wills/Dept of Supply Quotation supplied as above.
15/9/61 F. Hirst to J.M. Bennett/Adolph Basser CSIRAC library routines for design and analysis of experiments.
4/10/61 S.K.Stephenson/Uni of New England to W.Flower Request for calculations (33/19408).
7/12/61 W Flower to S.K.Stephenson/Uni of New England Results of work.
11/10/61 W.R. Flower to E. Walsh/ANZ Results of work.
18/12/61 Oxley Memorial Library to CSIRO Requesting ‘Waiting Times for drought relief in Queensland’.
15/1/62 Oxley Memorial Library to CSIRO Acknowledging ‘Waiting Times for drought relief in Queensland’.
19/12/61 Ian Oliver/ICIANZ to G.W. Hill Analysis request on factorial analysis program.
3/1/62 Secretary to Ian Oliver/ICIANZ Enclosing results as above.
11/1/62 Rex Swensen/GMH to R. Bowles Re program EGS-362.
7/2/62 W.R. Flower to M. Tauman/ICIANZ Results of 11 factorial analyses.
16/3/62 Geoff Chandler to F. Hirst Requesting data rerun on CSIRAC.
19/3/62 K.P. Sullivan to Geoff Chandler Will rerun if required.
21/3/62 W.R. Flower to K. Simpfendoerfer/Forests Comm. Results of linear regressions.
4/4/62 Francis Emeric Binet/CSIRO to W.R. Flower Query on binary units.
10/4/62 W.R. Flower to F.E. Binet Reply to above.
5/7/62 Secretary to Dept of National Development Request to be placed on mailing list and publication: ‘Electronic Survey Computing’.
27/7/62 Dept of Lands & Surveys to Melb Uni Requesting quote for chain of triangulation equations.
15/8/62 Melb Uni to Dept of Lands & Surveys Quote for above.
21/8/62 Dept of Lands & Surveys to Melb Uni Conditions for equations.
31/8/62 Secretary to Dept of Lands & Surveys Results of least squares adjustment.
10/9/62 Dept of Lands & Surveys to Melb Uni Unable to use results as beyond normal tolerance.
1/10/62 T.M. Cherry to D.E. Caro Post Graduate Research in Computation Laboratory - P.Thorne (incl handwritten draft).
26/11/62 F. Hirst to Goode, Morris & Tonier Calculation of divergences for a particular mill (timber).

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range 1956 - 1963    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier C069 Box Number 5 Series 3
Fourier Syntheses

This file contains a letter and a report from A Mathieson of the CSIRO Chemical Physics Section to Thomas Cherry regarding the process used to calculate the Fourier series. The report contains mathematical calculations.
Correspondence details:
3/8/56 A.McL Mathieson/CSIRO to T.M. Cherry Re Fourier series calculation including Fourier Syntheses report.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 2/002
Date range 1956    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Numeric Data and Reports
Inventory Identifier C016 Box Number 1 Series 3
Programming Methods

This file contains a letter and typed and handwritten notes relating to different programming methods for CSIRAC.

There is a letter to Thomas Cherry from RD Brown of the University Chemistry Department on the subject of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices. There are 3 copies of a typed note entitled 'Eigenvalues and Vectors Of A Symmetric Matrix Using Jacob's Method' by A Jones. There are also a typed note and a handwritten note entitled 'A Two-Address Method Of Interpretive Programming' by IM Bassett.
Correspondence details:
18/10/56 R.D. Brown/Uni of Melb to T.M. Cherry Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices.
Undated Note Eigenvalues and Vectors of a symmetric matrix using Jacobi’s method by A. Jones.(3xcopies). A Two-Address Method of Interpretive programming by I.M. Bassett (1xcopy typed & 1xcopy handwritten).

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 2/004
Date range 1956    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier C018 Box Number 1 Series 3
Computer Jobs

This file contains correspondence, notes of a meeting and tabulated information relating to particular jobs undertaken by the CSIRAC project. Correspondence in the file comprises: an exchange of letters between Thomas Cherry and JR Philip of the CSIRO Division of Plant Industry regarding a computer job for the Regional Pastoral Laboratory; a letter from Cherry to G Cessford of the BP Kwinana Refinery regarding a job undertaken by the computer project; a short letter regarding the computer's use by 'Tassie' from the ANU Research School of Physics; a letter to Professor ER Love from Fred Syer asking for the opportunity to use the computer to solve a complex mamthematical problem he was working on; a letter from JS Rogers, Dean of Graduate Studies appointing Cherry as supervisor for AR Jones' Ph.D. project on 'the convergence of a second order process for the latent roots and vectors of a real symmetric matrix'.

The file contains notes on a meeting between EH Palfreyman and BF Marrows regarding work to be done on the SILLIAC computer for the Post Master General's Department.The file also contains a table listing the jobs undertaken by CSIRAC for departments of the university. There is also a table providing a breakdown of computing time from Leeds University.
Correspondence details:
24/6/55 Fred Syer to E.R. Love Requesting time on CSIRAC to solve complex mathematical
13/9/55 J.R. Philip/CSIRO to T.M. Cherry Wants to discuss computer availability to solve numerical problems.
20/9/55 T.M. Cherry to J.R. Philip/CSIRO Computer not working until next year.
25/7/56 Notes Meeting between E.H. Palfreyman & B.F. Marrows re calculations to be done by SILLIAC for PMG Dept.
25/10/56 T.M. Cherry to G. Cessford/BP Refinery Re matrix conversion results sent but not acknowledged.
27/3/?(no year shown) ANU Research School of Physics to T.M. Cherry Thank you for agreeing to let ‘Tassie’ use computer.
2/1/59 Summary of Pegasus Time Breakdown from Leeds University of computing time.
Undated Table of CSIRAC jobs Jobs undertaken by CSIRAC for depts of MU.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 2/005
Date range 1955 - 1959    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Numeric Data, Loose Notes, Lists and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier C019 Box Number 1 Series 3
Proposed Computing Projects

This file contains a carbon copy of a report 'Possible Computing Projects For CSIRAC For 1957-58' by GW Hill, Department of Mathematical Statistics. The word 'Possible' has been crossed out with pencil and the word 'Proposed' written above it. The report contains a rationale and a descriptive list of proposed projects.
Correspondence details:
8/3/57 Report by G.W. Hill Possible computing projects for CSIRAC 1957-58.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 2/007
Date range 1957    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier C021 Box Number 1 Series 3
Routine Specifications

This item contains material related to routines for use on the CSIRAC computer. This material comprises the following:
- A manilla folder with the title 'Machine Test Routines Tape Symbol Print'. The folder contains 7 Routines set out on Routine Specification Sheets and Routine Sheets.
- A manilla folder with the title 'I. Executive'. The folder contains 10 Routines set out on Routine Specification Sheets and Routine Sheets.
- 6 photocopied sheets, 4 of Routine Specification Sheets, 1 of a Routine Sheet and 1 of a page with the heading 'Data Input'.
Transferred to Inventory No C072

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 4/025
Date range 1956 - 1959    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Indexes, Lists, Tables of data, Specifications and Calculations
Inventory Identifier C055 Series 3
Description of the Routines Available for Use on the CSIRAC Computer

This item contains a descriptive list of routines available for use in the CSIRAC library.
Undated Computation Laboratory/MU ‘Description of the routines available for use on the CSIRAC computer’

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 4/026
Date range 1951? - 1971?, Undated    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports, Indexes, Lists and Calculations
Inventory Identifier C056 Box Number 3 Series 3
Tape Symbol Punch, Drum Annotations

This item contains a seven page document entitled 'Tape Symbol Punch, Drum Annotations', which describes a program to be run on CSIRAC. This item also contains three loose pages entitled: 'Program Assembly T183 B111'; 'CSIRAC Program Specification T516 B131'; '5-Hole Tape Comparison T516 B131'.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 4/027
Date range 1957 - 1959    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Numeric Data, Lists, Tables of data and Specifications
Inventory Identifier C057 Series 3

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, 2002
Listed by Ron Bowles, Jurij Semkiw, John Spencer, Judith Hughes
HTML edition
Updated 5 July 2005

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