Series 1 - CSIRAC - Establishment in Melbourne

Date Range1954 - 1959
ProvenanceDepartment of Computer Science, University of Melbourne

This series contains correspondence, memos and minutes. The series comprises material related to the transfer to the University of Melbourne of the CSIRO computer and to the establishment of the University's computer project. The greater part of the material in the Series is correspondence either to or from Professor Cherry, Head of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Melbourne. Subjects covered by this correspondence include arrangements for the setting-up of the computer project and its staffing. Funding and the likely future role of the CSIRO in the project are also discussed.

Inventory Listing

'CSIRAC' name plate

Nameplate prepared to be permanently attached to the machine by The University of Melbourne, Computation Laboratory upon its transfer from CSIRO and on display at the official handover ceremony. This name plate was the first to be produced but was incorrect by the omission of the words 'and Industrial' and was replaced.
Plate reads: "This machine named CSIRAC was constructed to the designs of T. Pearcey and M. Beard in the Radiophysics Laboratory of the Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization which has transferred it on loan to The University of Melbourne".

Creator Dr Frank Hirst
Date range 1956    Quantity 1 nameplate
Formats Artefacts or Objects/Realia
Inventory Identifier C127 Box Number 15 Series 1
Published and miscellaneous papers

(1)1948 "Delays in the Flow of Air Traffic" by E.G. Bowen and T. Pearcey reprinted from Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society Vol.52 No.488 for CSIR(1 original/1xphotocopy).

(2)1953 "A Modified Miller time-base circuit" by R.D. Ryan reprinted from Journal of Scientific Instruments Vol.31, p.73-75(1xoriginal).

(3)1954 "Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark I Computer. III Adaptation of Routines for Elaborate Arithmetical Operations" by T. Pearcey & G.W. Hill reprinted from Australian Journal of Physics Vol.7, No.3 p.485-504 (22xcopies). Same as C051.

(4)1954 "The Effect of Interpretive Techniques on Functional Design of Computers" by T. Pearcey. G.W. Hill & R.D. Ryan reprinted from Australian Journal of Physics Vol.7 No.3 p.505-519 for CSIRO (7xcopies). Same as C052.

(5)1955 "A Proposed Modification to the CSIRO Mark I Computer" by B.E. Swire reprinted from Australian Journal of Physics, Vol.8, No.1, p184-186(3xcopies).

(6)1955 "On Starting Routines for the CSIRO Mark I Computer" by G.W. Hill and T. Pearcey reprinted from Australian Journal of Physics, Vol.8 No.3 p412-416 (23xcopies).

(7)1957 "Programme Design for the CSIRO Mark I Computer. IV.Automatic Programming by Simple Compiler Techniques" by G.W. Hill and T. Pearcey reprinted from Australian Journal of Physics Vol.10 No.1 p.137-161(23xcopies).

(8)1959 "Permanent Storage in Small Computers" by T. Pearcey (from First ANCCAC Conference)(2xphotocopies).

(9)1960 "The Mark 5 System of Automatic Coding for TREAC" by T.Pearcey, S.N. Higgins, P.M. Woodward reprinted from "Annual Review in Automatic Programming Vol.1" (6xcopies).

(10)Aug 29 1963 "Computers and Tertiary Education in Victoria with Particular Reference to Monash University" by C.J. Bellamy (1xphotocopy).

(11)1963 "CIRRUS, An Economical Multiprogram Computer with Microprogram Control" by M.W. Allen, T. Pearcey, J.P. Penny, G.A.Rose, J.G. Sanderson published in IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers p.663-671(1xoriginal/6xphotocopies).

(12)1963 "Behaviour of Subharmonics of Even Order arising in a Non-Linear Differential System" by T. Pearcey and F. Hirst reprinted from proceedings Australian Computer Conference Melb 1963 for CSIRO (6xcopies).

(13)1963 "Implementation of Programming Systems within an Integrated Computer Network" by T. Pearcey reprinted from proceedings Australian Computer Conference Melb 1963 for CSIRO (17xcopies). Same as C116.

(14) Stabilac Electronic Voltage Stabiliser Type "S" - drawing (1xphotocopy).

Box 14
(15)May 1946 "The Structure of an Electromagnetic Field in the Neighbourhood of a Cusp of a Caustic" by T. Pearcey - From the Philosophical Magazine Ser.7 vol xxxvii p.311 (11xcopies).

(16)21 February 1948 "Modern Trends in Machine Computation" by T. Pearcey - Supplement to Australian Journal of Science Vol X No.4. (2xcopies).

(17)December 1948 "Delays in Landing of Air Traffic - T. Pearcey CSIRO reprint from the Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society Vol 52 No 456. (6xcopies).

(18)October 1952 "An electronic computer" by M. Beard and T. Pearcey (1xoriginal extract).

(19)January 1957 "A theoretical estimate of the collection efficiences of small droplets" by T. Pearcey and G.W. Hill - from Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Vol 83 No. 355. (34xcopies).

(20)T. Pearcey curriculum vitae ex Caulfield Institute of Technology (undated). 1xphotocopy.

(21)February 1965 "Farewell to CSIRAC" by F. Hirst - V.C.S. Bulletin Vol 3 No. 10 p.11-14 VCS Bulletin (1xphotocopy).

Creator Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
Date range 1948 - 1984
Formats Journals, Published Papers or Articles and CV
Inventory Identifier C123 Box Number 13/14 Series 1
Douglas Hartree
Closed until 26 May 1954
Computing Centre Project Proposal

This file contains a copy of a letter to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, from Thomas Cherry, outlining the estimated costs of the 'Computing Centre Project', in particular the CSIRAC computer. The letter makes reference to the CSIRO offer of an indefinite loan of the computer, the likely uses which could be made of it, probable staff positions and salary estimates, installation costs and the possibility of gaining grants from the Aeronautical Research Laboratories and the Department of Supply. The file also contains a copy of the Minutes of a Meeting of the University Finance Committee which resolved to recommend acceptance of the CSIRO offer and to fund the setting-up of the machine at the University.
Correspondence details:
22/11/54 T.M. Cherry to Vice-Chancellor/MU Estimated costs of the 'Computing Centre Project', in particular the CSIRAC computer and indefinite loan of the computer.
26/11/54 Uni of Melb/Finance Meeeting Minutes University Finance Committee recommend acceptance of the CSIRO offer and to fund the setting-up of the machine at
the University.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 1/002
Date range 1954    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier C002 Box Number 1 Series 1
Requests for Publications

This file contains correspondence regarding lists of publications on computing.

There is letter of request from George Forsythe of the Library Committee, Numerical Analysis Research in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California. The Library was interested in collecting any available material on the development and use of early computers. There is also a letter acknowledging a request from Cherry for a list of publications on computers held by the Applied Mathematics Laboratory of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research in New Zealand, and a reply from Cherry.
Correspondence details:
30/9/54 Uni of California to T.M. Cherry Library interested in collecting any available material on the development and use of early computers.
22/11/55 Applied Mathematics Lab/NZ to T.M. Cherry Enclosing list of books and journals (not on file).
6/12/55 T.M. Cherry to Applied Mathematics Lab/NZ Thank you for the list of books and periodicals.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 1/003
Date range 1954 - 1955    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier C003 Box Number 1 Series 1
JL Pawsey
Closed until 12 May 1955
T Pearcey
Closed until 19 December 1955
Clunies Ross

This file contains a copy of letter from GW Paton, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, to Sir Ian Clunies Ross, Chairman of the CSIRO, accepting the offer (of 15 November 1954) of the CSIRAC computer.
Correspondence details:
28/1/55 G.W. Paton to Sir Ian Clunies Ross Accepting offer of 15/11/54 of CSIRAC computer.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 1/009
Date range 1955    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier C009 Box Number 1 Series 1
Establishment Funding

This file contains letters between Thomas Cherry and others on the subject of funding for Melbourne University's computer project. There is a letter, dated 26 November 1954, to HA Wills of the Department of Supply, in which Cherry outlines the intended uses and staffing of the CSIRAC computer project and puts the case for a block grant from the Commonwealth Government.There are two letters from LR Butement at the Department of Supply and a brief reply to one of them from Cherry. The letters from Butement refuse the request for funds.The file also contains a copy of a letter from Maurice Belz, Professor of Statistics, to Dr Rogers of Graduate Studies, recommending an allocation of funds to the University's Electronic Computation Laboratory.
Correspondence details:
26/11/54 T.M. Cherry to H.A. Wills, Dept of Supply Request for grant to install computer.
28/9/55 Department of Supply to T.M. Cherry Reply to letter 26/11/54-unable to provide grant.
6/10/55 T.M. Cherry to Department of Supply Acknowledging advice.
21/12/55 Department of Supply to T.M. Cherry Unable to provide grant.
18/7/56 Department of Statistics to Dr. J.S. Rogers Recommending an allocation of funds to the University's Electronic Computation Laboratory.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 1/010
Date range 1954 - 1956    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier C010 Box Number 1 Series 1
CSIRAC Handover

This file contains correspondence between Thomas Cherry and Sir Ian Clunies Ross and JL Pawsey of the CSIRO, regarding final arrangements for the handover of the CSIRAC computer to the University of Melbourne.
Correspondence details:
22/3/56 T.M. Cherry to Sir Ian Clunies Ross/CSIRO Final arrangements for handover of computer.
5/4/56 Ian Clunies Ross/CSIRO to T.M. Cherry Date and arrangements for handover confirmed.
5/4/56 J.L. Pawsey/CSIRO to T.M. Cherry Beard and Pearcey to attend handover ceremony.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 1/013
Date range 1956    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier C013 Box Number 1 Series 1
Commonwealth Bank

This file contains a letter to the Vice-Chancellor from LJ Dooling of the Commonwealth Bank. The letter has a notation from the Vice-Chancellor directed to Professor Cherry.
Correspondence details:
15/6/56 L.J. Dooling/Commonwealth Bank to Vice- Chancellor Sorry he missed function and would like to see computer in operation (handwritten note to arrange for this to occur).

Creator Computation Laboratory
Control 1/014
Date range 1956    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence
Inventory Identifier C014 Box Number 1 Series 1
CSIRAC - Establishment in Melbourne

This file contains correspondence between CSIRO Radiophysics, Sydney and The University of Melbourne concerning the proposed transfer of CSIR MkI to Melbourne, its acceptance and logistics of the move, as well as official handover ceremony including copy of Cherry’s speech. It includes: Letters to Professor Tom Cherry from Vice-Chancellor of The University of Melbourne, G.W. Paton, including original proposal and costs of moving machine to Melbourne, and approvals; Letters concerning installation team headed by Maston Beard and staff acquisitions such as Geoff Hill, Ron Bowles transferring from Sydney to Melbourne; Correspondence between Frank Hirst and Tom Cherry whilst Hirst visiting Cambridge University, UK and researching activity there including ESDSAC, Ferranti as well as covering transfer of computer from Sydney; Correspondence between Cherry and Professor Les Martin, Department of Physics, with comments on Pearcey and Beard’s reactions to move; Correspondence between Cherry and Pearcey advising he cannot offer him a position in Melbourne, as well as Pearcey’s advice on advancements in engineering and programming of the computer; Correspondence between G.W. Paton and F.W.G. White concerning renewal of CSIRO subsidy. This file also contains a Melbourne University poster, "CSIRAC welcomes you to the Digital Computer Laboratory" (59/19607).
7/7/54 T.M. Cherry to Vice-Chancellor, G.W. Paton Proposal to discuss move of Computer to MU.
12/7/54 G.W. Paton to T.M. Cherry Approval for further discussion.
26/11/54 T.M. Cherry to T. Pearcey Confirming computer transfer, no position for T.Pearcey, estimates for staff.
3/12/54 T.M. Cherry to E.G. Bowen Advising T.Pearcey had been advised no offer forthcoming, logistics and staff requirements.
6/12/54 Guy B. Gresford, CSIRO to G.W. Paton Answer to queries on space for computer, running costs & staff.
10/12/54 E.G. Bowen to T.M. Cherry Reply to questions raised in letter 3/12/54.
19/12/54 T.M. Cherry to L.H. Martin (handwritten) Update on present situation, discusses T.Pearcey and M. Beard resistance to transfer of computer, staffing.
19/12/54 T.M. Cherry to F. Hirst Confirming Hirst as ‘engineer in charge’ of computer.
20/12/54 E.G. Bowen to L.H. Martin Confirming staff for transfer and ongoing.
18/1/55 Accountant to TAA Ticket confirmation for F. Hirst Melb/Syd/Melb 19/1/55.
21/1/55 Note (handwritten) Re Carrier Air Conditioning Unit quote.
28/1/55 G.W. Paton to Ian Clunies Ross, CSIRO Formal acceptance of transfer of computer.
28/1/55 G.W. Paton to L.H. Martin Approval of transfer of computer and appointment of F. Hirst.
4/2/55 F.H. Johnston to F. Hirst Formal confirmation of job offer.
7/2/55 F. Hirst to F.H. Johnston Acceptance of job offer.
17/2/55 G.B. Gresford to G.W. Paton Confirming acceptance and arranging transfer dates.
21/2/55 Physics Dept (F. Hirst) to M. Beard Request for update.
23/2/55 M. Beard to F. Hirst Update, T.Pearcey finishing this week.
1/3/55 F. Hirst to R.P. Temby Request for expenses for Sydney stay.
26/4/55 T.M. Cherry to F. Hirst Re UK research.
3/6/55 T.M. Cherry to F. Hirst Reporting on UK research: tape preference, mercury contamination.
21/7/55 T.M. Cherry to Vice-Chancellor (G.W. Paton) Request to discuss administrative arrangements for computer.
7/10/55 T.M. Cherry to Vice-chancellor (G.W. {Paton) Recommendation for separate Computation Department and presentation paper.
17/10/55 G.W. Paton to T.M. Cherry Approval of separate Computation Laboratory.
22/3/56 E.G. Bowen/CSIRO to T.M. Cherry Melbourne installation nearing completion/suggesting official takeover date.
14/6/56 T.M. Cherry Agenda for opening function & T.M. Cherry’s speech (2xcopies-1 with note from TMC).
20/1/56 Guy B. Gresford/CSIRO to Registrar/MU Re loan of services of G.W. Hill & conditions.
23/1/56 F.H. Johnston/Registrar MU to CSIRO Confirming loan of services of G.W. Hill and payment.
30/5/56 F.G. Nicholls/CSIRO to T.M. Cherry Re payment to G.W. Hill.
11/6/56 Guy B. Gresford/CSIRO to Registrar/MU Account for travelling allowance to come.
23/1/56 T.M. Cherry to Accountant Request for payment to G.W. Hill.
15/6/56 T.M. Cherry to Registrar/MU Re mix up of travel/living allowance payment.
27/6/56 G.W. Hill to F. Hirst Follow up after departure from Melbourne.
13/6/56 G.W. Paton to T.M. Cherry Approval of R. Bowles salary.
9/8/56 E.G. Bowen to T.M. Cherry Transfer date for R. Bowles.
29/6/56 T.M. Cherry to Vice Chancellor Arrangements for transfer of R. Bowles.
18/12/56 T. Pearcey to T.M. Cherry Thank you for use of computer in Melbourne and
further development suggestions.
30/6/58 G.W. Paton to F.W.G. White/CSIRO Request for subsidy renewal for computer (incl handwritten draft).
24/7/59 F. Hirst to T.M. Cherry Re CSIRO computing time on computer.

Creator Computation Laboratory
Date range 1954 - 1959    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence and Ephemera
Inventory Identifier C061 Box Number 5 Series 1

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, 2002
Listed by Ron Bowles, Jurij Semkiw, John Spencer, Judith Hughes
HTML edition
Updated 5 July 2005

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