Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Guide to Records | ||||||||||||||||||
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About the records |
Administrative Information
Scope and ContentThe Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Collection contains records spanning the history of the organisation from 1970, when it was formed as the Australian Society of Immunologists, through incorporation in 1988 and the merger of the Society with the New Zealand Society for Immunology in 1991, up to 2000. Strengths of the collection include programmes, abstracts and other documents from Annual Scientific Meetings and Annual General Meetings, as well as newsletters, and membership lists.
Surveying and Mapping the CollectionIn 1993, Dr. Harry A. Ward was appointed as the first Honorary Archivist of the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated (ASI Inc.). The purpose of the role was to compile an archive for the Society. Dr. Ward posted calls for papers and documentation in the Society's newsletter, as well as working with the files held by the Honorary Secretary and Secretariat of ASI Inc.Arrangement and Description of the RecordsFrom the end of 1993 into 1994, Dr. Ward and staff from the University of Melbourne Australian Science Archives Project compiled an inventory listing of the collection, resulting in the first guide to the collection, A Guide to the Records of the Australasian Society for Immunology Inc., published in c.1994.In 2000, the archive was retrospectively accessioned by Helen Morgan and one additional item was added. Series were also retrospectively assigned by Helen Morgan on 1 December 2000, based on provenance information and a telephone call with Dr. Ward on that date regarding the two major provenance groupings (Honorary Secretary and Secretariat). Also in 2000, additional material was accessioned for the collection from the home of Dr. Ward and stored at the University of Melbourne Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre (Austehc). The records of ASI Inc. were transferred from the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre (eSRC, previously Austehc) to the State Library of Victoria in 2007. Following the transfer of the records, in 2009 eSRC staff undertook a survey of the collection, including the arrangement and description of the records. Some aspects of the Series structure were altered, provenance was refined, and (in collaboration with the State Library of Victoria) the full collection was re-housed to ensure its preservation. At the same time, all provenance, series and item descriptions were reviewed and, where required, edited, rewritten or expanded. The 2009 edition of the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Guide to Records has been produced as a result of this work. Further information about this guide and the records it describes, including transfer arrangements, custodianship and other contextual information, is held in the office files and the Heritage Documentation Management System (HDMS) database at the eScholarship Research Centre, University of Melbourne. How These Records Can Be UsedResearchers wishing to consult these records will need to contact the State Library of Victoria regarding the access conditions that may apply to specific series or inventory items.Where material from the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Collection is copied or quoted the source of the material must be acknowledged. Preferred CitationRecords from the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Collection should be cited as [Inventory item number and title], [Series number], Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Collection, MS 13662, State Library of Victoria, Australia.For citation of the published guide, an acceptable form would be: Gavan McCarthy, Harry Ward, Lisa Cianci, Helen Morgan, Michael Jones and Ann McCarthy, Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Guide to Records, The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre, 2008 [URL and date accessed]. Publication HistoryThis is the full history of the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Guide to Records:
CopyrightThe Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Guide to Records has been published by the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre (previously the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre). You may download, temporarily store in cache and display the material on this web site in unaltered form only. You may also print and copy the material on this site in unaltered form as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 only (retaining this copyright notice). This guide is the result of serious scholarly research and must be formally acknowledged as such when the guide itself or the records it catalogues are cited.The Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Collection is held by the State Library of Victoria. The State Library of Victoria manages any rights (including moral rights) in all material contained in the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated Records. All information in the guide to this collection and in the material of the collection itself, served from Australia, is administered under Australian Intellectual Property Laws. Guide ImageThe image seen on the top left hand side of the Guide is the logo of the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated. Citation: Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated logo, courtesy of the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated, Accessed: 5 March 2009.