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Table of Contents
Astronomical and Meteorological Workers in New South Wales Introduction Lieutenant Dawes Captain Flinders Admiral Phillip Parker King Sir Thomas MacDougall Brisbane Dr. Charles Stargard Rumker James Dunlop P. E. De Strzelecki Captain J. C. Wickham Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A. Rev. A. Glennie E. C. Close Sir William Macarthur J. Boucher S. H. Officer John Wyndham William Stanley Jevons Establishment of Meteorological Observatories Votes and Proceedings, N.S.W., 1848. Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. Appendix F. Appendix G. Appendix H. Appendix I. Appendix J. Appendix K. Appendix L. Appendix M. Appendix N. Appendix O. Appendix P. Appendix Q. Appendix R. Appendix S. Appendix T. Appendix U. Endnotes Index Search Help Contact us ![]() |
Admiral Phillip Parker King (continued) Amongst Captain King's papers are records of the determination of latitudes and longitudes of Fort Macquarie by other observers: Of Latitudes
Of Longitudes
Captain P. P. King's paper on the Maritime Geography of Australia which is given in Baron Field's "Geographical Memoirs," was read 2nd October, 1822, before the Philosophical Society of Australia. It gives a short note of Flinders' and Oxley's discoveries, and then a narrative of his own in continuation of the foregoing. He mentions, (p. 285), that the spring tides rise thirty feet at Prince Regent's River, and sometimes ran at seven knots. He also mentions the general productions of intertropical Australia and the natives of New Holland. In the "Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia," (Vol. 1, p. 349), Capt. King mentions that the southerly current on the coast had set the vessel one hundred and fifty miles south during the storm, and for twenty-four hours at the rate of three miles per hour. He also gives details of winds, weather and currents on the coast of Australia, variation and dip of the magnetic needle of nine places on shore, and at fourteen places at sea; with the geographical positions of a number of points in his survey. (p. 404.) In the Royal Astronomical Society's Notices there are eight papers by Captain P. P. King. Four refer to observations of comets, amongst others, the Great Comet of 1843; one to an occultation of Jupiter and his Satellites; another to a lunar eclipse; another to a transit of Mercury; and the last to a solar eclipse, When the present Sydney Observatory was talked about, Admiral King was the adviser of the Government as to where it should be placed. (See Votes and Proceedings, N.S. Wales, 1852.) For nearly all the facts in this account of Admiral King's work in Australia I am indebted to the Honorable P. G. King, M.L.C.
People in Bright Sparcs - Brisbane, Thomas Makdougall; Dawes, William; Flinders, Matthew; King, Phillip Parker; Rümker, Christian Carl Ludwig; Russell, Henry Chamberlain
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