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Weather News


Fifty Years of Weather History
Weather Officers—25 Years Ago
The Perth RO Since 1929
Remember the Pioneers
Akeroyd the Great
Out with the Old—In with the New [Bill Gibbs / John Zillman]
Dr Bill Gibbs
Dr John Zillman
Meteorological History in the Territory
Edwin Thomas Quayle—Bureau Research Pioneer
Ninety Years Ago: Birth of the Bureau

Personal Notes



Observers and Volunteers




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No. 18 January 1958, Item 110 (continued)

Mr. Hunt retired in 1931 and was succeeded by Mr. W. S. Watt as Commonwealth Meteorologist with Mr. H. Barkley his first assistant. Mr. Griffiths had retired in 1925, Mr. Quayle in 1924 and Dr. Kidson had left in 1927 to take up a position as Director of the New Zealand Meteorological Service.

Aviation activities gradually increased and Civil Aviation was gaining prominence. In order to encourage it, an air race from London to Melbourne was organised to contribute as well to the Centenary celebrations in the latter city. It was then, October 1934 that the Meteorological Office at Darwin was established, its first function was to provide a Meteorological Service for contestants in this race.

Despite progress in meteorology during the nineteen twenties and early thirties, when application of the science to man's. needs we steadily increasing, there was little change in staff numbers and for the year 1936/37 estimates were based on a total staff of 92 (£30,000 Salaries, and, expenses £14,447). The staff was distributed thus, Central Office, Melbourne 44, Sydney 13, Brisbane 11, Adelaide 8, Perth 8, Hobart 5 and Darwin 3.

The demands for a meteorological service for Civil Aviation had to be met, and negotiations with the Public Service Board for the recruitment and training of additional staff commenced in 1937.

In June of that year training commenced with a class of Meteorological Assistants destined to be employed as forecasters on Civil and service aerodromes. A few months later a class of University graduates received instruction for qualification as Meteorologists. Observers, a new classification in the Bureau, were trained in 1938. In order to accommodate training classes, rooms were secured in the nearby Horticulture Building.

Negotiations with the Public Service Board with respect to establishments, techniques and procedures associated with expanding staff and increasing requirements continued during 1938 when Mr. H. Barkley who was the Bureau's representative at the Canberra discussion died. He was replaced by Mr. H. N. Warren.

People in Bright Sparcs - Hunt, Henry Ambrose ; Kidson, Edward; Warren, Herbert Norman; Watt, William Shand

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© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001
Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher